Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

6-Whispers Noodles

(Eingestellt am 23. Oktober 2024, 10:38 Uhr von wuc)

I tried to set a harder line puzzle. It still is only about 2 star difficulty I guess, but somewhat fun to break in I think. What do you think? Enjoy and leave a comment.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits along marked diagonals do not repeat.

6-Whispers: Adjacent digits along the dark green lines must differ by at least 6.

Renban line: Digits along a purple Renban line must form a set of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order.

The digits in cells separated by the black dot are in a 2:1 ratio.

play on sudokupad

Lösungscode: Row 8 left to right.

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Oktober 2024, 15:12 Uhr

Gelöst von Piff, Fizz, chippers, Hajuhn, Chelo, ludvigr04, Mathemagier, forsen, jalebc, Nylimb, slowbiex, Kirra, PinkNickels, Ragna, Visumation, Crul, zZype, SKORP17, LehanLehan, terrible_casserole, Alce, ... diziet, vmirandaa, ikaikaw, Syzygy, Zarlino, erkiraak, Montikulum, snauticle, mietepiet, Vivian Huang, Zeddecks, Luke7614, OGRussHood, mcs131313, Wiebbe, SudokuHero, BlackApolloX, asver, JoBerlin
Komplette Liste


am 1. Dezember 2024, 14:08 Uhr von Zarlino
I found this tough, but ultimately very satisfying. Thank you!

am 31. Oktober 2024, 15:12 Uhr von wuc
Added a link to the newest puzzle.

am 27. Oktober 2024, 16:34 Uhr von wuc
I added the links of the other puzzles of the series in the description.

am 24. Oktober 2024, 13:33 Uhr von samuelsamjo
brilliant! Puzzle of the month for me

am 24. Oktober 2024, 11:47 Uhr von faltenin
This puzzle took a leap of faith - that the coloring would eventually all work out, until it hit a Kropki :-)

am 24. Oktober 2024, 10:50 Uhr von galium_odoratum
This puzzle really surprised me, based on my first impression I did not expect much but than it really turned out to be very fun and satisfying how everything comes together at the end, such a beautiful puzzle!

am 23. Oktober 2024, 20:41 Uhr von s1mn
Sooooo good! Thanks a lot, I had loads of fun with this.

am 23. Oktober 2024, 11:17 Uhr von Fizz
Very fun ruleset! Thanks for this nice puzzle!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:157 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

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