Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Imitation as flattery

(Eingestellt am 18. Oktober 2024, 18:20 Uhr von jhow25)

I've been solving Sudoku's for a while, and I love watching CTC. I've never thought about setting one, however. I was totally struck by "Foganapur" by meggen033. I stopped solving the puzzle mid-way so I could get to work on my first Sudoku. Initially, I wanted the puzzle to include my favorite constraints, knight's move, German whispers, and fog of war. After working on it for awhile, I decided to drop the fog of war constraint.

I'd appreciate any feedback or advice you may have.

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply: Place the digits 1-9 in each row, column, and box.

Renban: Digits on a magenta line must be consecutive and non-repeating.

German Whisper: Digits on green lines must differ by at least 5.

Kropki: Black dots separate digits in a 2:1 ratio. White dots separate consecutive digits. Not all white or black dots are shown, necessarily.

Knight's Move: Digits, a knight's move apart in Chess, cannot contain the same digits.

CTC/Sudoku Pad


Lösungscode: Enter the numbers from R7 followed by C8's numbers.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Oktober 2024, 06:20 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, jalebc, Felis_Timon, MontanaPearl, Iluvsodah, by81996672, Tinnifer, Jagga, Bjd, snuuba, pepu273, paranoid, jadezki, PinkNickels, agueybana, whtshername, Julianl, Ragna, 99jau99, wang, Corey115, Danekiller, chanelaw, SparklePuzzle, DLHBin, Ulistef, asver, sujoyku, joelth
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 8. Januar 2025, 00:09 Uhr

am 6. Januar 2025, 17:16 Uhr von DLHBin
Have I assumed the circles with 1, 5 and 9 in them have to be in the four cells that surround the circle? Its not alluded to in the rule set, but having seen it before, I have assumed as much. However, I've had two failed attempts at solving this now. I will keep going though. However, I just wondered if this is where I was going wrong...
EDIT: Solved on third attempt. Phew!

am 20. Oktober 2024, 06:20 Uhr von jhow25
Edited description.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Oktober 2024, 21:53 Uhr

am 19. Oktober 2024, 17:38 Uhr von PrinnyDidi
Took me a while, lots of bifurcation and two attempts to solve but eventually got there. I have the “looks good” screen but my solution code isn’t working?

Eleven other people have solved it and entered the solution code, so I'm not sure what to tell you.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Oktober 2024, 04:08 Uhr

am 19. Oktober 2024, 03:58 Uhr von Tinnifer
Great first puzzle! I found it quite challenging. I just started setting puzzles myself and I would love to do fog of war as well. Maybe in the future :)

Glad you enjoyed it!

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