Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

absolute annihilation

(Eingestellt am 6. Dezember 2024, 09:00 Uhr von aqjhs)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Shade some cells so that the shaded cells form a single orthogonally connected region and no 2x2 area is completely shaded or unshaded. Unshaded cells must also form a single orthogonally connected region. If D is a digit in a shaded cell the value of that shaded cell is -D. Values of non-shaded cells are the same as the digit they contain.
  • Values in cages must sum to the indicated total. Digits cannot repeat inside a cage.
  • Cells on an arrow have a value sum equal to the value of its circle.
  • Clues outside the grid show the value sum of the indicated diagonals.
  • Cells joined by a black dot have values that are in a 1:2 ratio. Not all possible dots are given.

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See also:

Lösungscode: The path between r2c2 and the closest instance of the same digit inside the same region (shaded/unshaded) including the start and end digits.

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