Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Dutch Flat Mates (Chaos Construction Shifter) - Palpot Collab

(Eingestellt am 16. Oktober 2024, 11:30 Uhr von Flinty)

Initial Setter Difficulty: 4/5 (Probably 3.5/5 if LMD allowed it)
This is the first Flat Mate released at 4/5 (although Slingshot was upvoted).
This puzzle has been held back until Week 53, as I almost see it as the Final Boss Fight Flat Mate- haha

Normal Chaos Construction rules apply
Each row, column, and to-be-determined 9-cell region contains the digits 1-9 exactly once each.

Dutch Flats
Every 5 in the grid must have a '1' directly above it or a '9' directly below it. It may have both, but it doesn't need both.

Region Indicator Arrows
The digit N on a cell with an arrow, shows that the next N cells, including N, in that direction all belong to the same region. The cell after N cells, if applicable, must belong to a different region.

Shifter lines
Adjacent digits within the same region on a shifter line share both parity (even/odd) AND polarity (low/high).
Whenever the line enters a new region either the parity OR the polarity shifts, never both. Shifter lines can never have 5 on it.
Digits may repeat on lines.
If a line re-enters a region it may take a different polarity/parity than it's first entry.

Special Thanks
Palpot for sharing the workload of setting of this puzzle with me. We both really hope you enjoy it.
gUBBLOR for the Shifter constraint. Puzzle link: Shifter Lines 101: Introduction to Shifter Lines
Thanks in advance Marty_Sears and SamuPiano who will provide the setting guest spots for the next 2 weeks.

To play this weeks Dutch Flat Mates, please click here: Play CTC

Hint to Start

The shifter combinations are very important throughout, and the break in is values for R1C1 and R1C2 that don't make the regions or the shifters sad.

Hint in case you have gone wrogn in the mid to late solve

An error that a few testers made, is assuming R5C8 and R6C8 are the same region, but the region from R5C8 must actually grow right.
Late solve is common Chaos Construction logic, by completing regions with troublesome digits. And don't forget Flat Mates. :)

Example Puzzle
Small example image, covering the basic options for each rule - There are Region Indicator Arrows pointing left under the stacked 6 and 3.

This Weeks Puzzle

Previous puzzles in the Dutch Flat Mates series:

Lösungscode: Row 9

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Oktober 2024, 15:00 Uhr

Gelöst von gUBBLOR, gdc, OJPS, Glasgow, marcmees, palpot, redgecko, goodcity, bansalsaab, wuc, SKORP17, kamkam, Sotehr, da-hans, agueybana, Vodakhan , sujoyku, olliwright, Voidslime, sorryimLate, robokong, ... skwylcy, henrypijames, Sewerin, Fruit_Based_Lie, Tinica, madhupt, ikaikaw, petecavcc, piyush, Kavman15, wildbush7, QuiltyAsCharged, SparklePuzzle, Alce, kingoffries, Sus, benisjammin, Frank Puzzles
Komplette Liste


am 17. Oktober 2024, 16:18 Uhr von Franjo
Wonderful puzzle! Very satisfying how the shifter lines lead you through the solve. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this masterpiece.

am 17. Oktober 2024, 04:59 Uhr von sorryimLate
This series just keeps delivering! Super interesting combination of rulesets, again, and surprisingly approachable. I feared it would be much tougher when I saw the grid, but the solve path was very well telegraphed. Thank you, Flinty and Palpot!

am 16. Oktober 2024, 22:42 Uhr von Voidslime
Such a fun and satisfying solve! I agree with da hans that it unfolds so smoothly. I was never unsure of where to explore next.

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Oktober 2024, 20:29 Uhr

am 16. Oktober 2024, 20:28 Uhr von da-hans
Great puzzle. Unfolds in a smooth way most of the time. Anyway nice for me to get a 4* puzzle solved

am 16. Oktober 2024, 17:43 Uhr von wuc
Awesome cc puzzle. 4 star suits my experience. Great setting. Best in series for me. Thx for sharing.

am 16. Oktober 2024, 15:00 Uhr von Flinty
Rule text added for clarity:
"If a line re-enters a region it may take a different polarity/parity than it's first entry."

Link updated. Old link if you want to retrieve progress https://sudokupad.app/uuwyunwfrp

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Oktober 2024, 17:52 Uhr

am 16. Oktober 2024, 14:12 Uhr von marcmees
Very nice. thanks
Great start of the "new" season. CC is my favorite.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:69 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal


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