Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Segmented Yin Yang Snake

(Eingestellt am 12. Oktober 2024, 04:43 Uhr von apete)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Draw a one cell wide snake of orthogonally connected cells that does not branch or touch itself.
The non-snake cells must form a single, orthogonally connected area.
No 2x2 region can be entirely snake or entirely non-snake.
Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.
Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio.
Digits separated by an X sum to 10.
Cells separated by dots or Xs will contain one snake cell and one non-snake cell.
Box borders divide the snake into segments, each of which have the same sum.

Try Blue Snake Yin Yang here:

Lösungscode: Snake cells in row 7 (without spaces)

Gelöst von dogfarts, redgecko, Calesch, Mr. Happy, Xalothros, WedgeOfCheese, drbs, kamkam, seh_bas, yttrio, jkuo7, Fizz, Felis_Timon, Glasgow, Vodakhan , Tompzini, sarabtx, Counterfeitly, batmanprof, gxorgx, ... steveire, 9Rookienumbers, SKORP17, Baklin, Uskok, OGRussHood, waffles_the_dog, 3ColorTheorem, happyteo, gdc, unlogical, gsallaberry, lapazhu, oskode, asver, macronate, Frank Puzzles, SudokuHero
Komplette Liste


am 7. November 2024, 21:20 Uhr von waffles_the_dog
Super fun, thanks! I really enjoyed the initial break in :)

am 20. Oktober 2024, 09:46 Uhr von Cosinus
Great puzzle! Took me quite a while and was super satisfying every time I found a new digit!

am 19. Oktober 2024, 23:58 Uhr von wuc
Great puzzle. Finding the snake was the hardest to me... finding midway that i made a mistake. But found the tiny error. Rest very smooth. Great fun thx.

am 13. Oktober 2024, 15:47 Uhr von Glasgow
Very nice puzzle. Thanks!

am 13. Oktober 2024, 08:44 Uhr von Fizz
Very fun puzzle with nice logic all the way through the end!

am 13. Oktober 2024, 01:30 Uhr von yttrio
Sssssuper fun puzzle! From the snake building, to determining the snake sum, to the final disambiguations, there were many interesting steps along the way.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:55 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal


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