Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Blank sudoku 4

(Eingestellt am 8. Oktober 2024, 06:07 Uhr von psninn)

The two grids are two separate Sudoku puzzles.
Fill in the digits 1-4 in each grid's rows, columns, and boxes without repeating.
Any adjacent digits can't add up to 5.
Regarding the friendly cells that match their row/column/box number, the left grid has the most cases, while the right grid has the fewest.

Click the image to play.↓↓↓

Lösungscode: R1 of the left grid, then R1 of the right.(8 digits)

Gelöst von Felis_Timon, ArmagedDan, SeveNateNine, kvedula2004, abadx, HazelTheColor, Hajuhn, marcmees, Kcafecalb, Sudocorgi, Blake Saligia, Postnormal, lars, SKORP17, sfield, Uhu, thoughtbyte, jgarber, Prince Myshkin, Allagem, richardkchapman, rcg, damo_89, zrbakhtiar, PippoForte, amchap, Martini , bhambells, Raistlen, ValentinL, NEWS, drifting, greenoak, drf93, Drawoon, Montikulum
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am 10. Oktober 2024, 15:43 Uhr von ValentinL
2:53 solve, really nice snack !

am 9. Oktober 2024, 18:47 Uhr von bhambells
From my reading, either the description or the solution is the wrong way round, and unless you score separately for row/col/box friendliness (not all or nothing), then what disambiguates the 2/3s??

am 8. Oktober 2024, 21:41 Uhr von Prince Myshkin
Thanks, this was fantastic!

Bewertung:69 %
Gelöst:36 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

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