Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

First Rodeo (chaos construction)

(Eingestellt am 28. September 2024, 23:49 Uhr von jwsinclair)

First Rodeo, by James Sinclair

Finally got around to doing a chaos construction :)

Divide the grid into nine orthogonally connected nine-cell regions, and place the digits 1-9 once in each row, column, and region.
A digit inside a circle indicates the sum of all digits in the same region that see that cell by knight's move.
A digit inside a square indicates the total number of cells in the same region that see that cell by knight's move.
Purple lines contain a non-repeating set of consecutive digits in any order.


Edit: if you want more of this ruleset, check out Second Rodeo, co-authored by Tallcat.

Lösungscode: row three, with a dash ("-") to indicate each region border

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Oktober 2024, 21:03 Uhr

Gelöst von MaizeGator, han233ing, Vodakhan , Piff, Bankey, wuc, Snookerfan, Mr_tn, dogfarts, zakkai, marcmees, palpot, tuturitu, tallcat, bansalsaab, sorryimLate, Christounet, Clara123, Paletron, KyubiBoy, ... arctan, madhupt, Uhu, karlmortenlunna, skwylcy, Krisonium, SeveNateNine, Drewpacabra, widjo, GertVonnegut, OJPS, oskode, Frank Puzzles, cirne, SudokuHero, criddlemethis, pjhiatt, askaksaksask, Nordy
Komplette Liste


am 24. Februar 2025, 07:37 Uhr von Nordy
Finally got around to solving this. Great puzzle! Lots of really cool steps

am 20. Januar 2025, 03:10 Uhr von Frank Puzzles

Here's my solve of your puzzle. Super fun!

am 23. Oktober 2024, 21:03 Uhr von jwsinclair
added link to Second Rodeo

am 22. Oktober 2024, 01:56 Uhr von OGRussHood

am 9. Oktober 2024, 01:21 Uhr von yttrio
Wonderful puzzle! There were great deductions throughout without ever feeling completely stuck.

am 6. Oktober 2024, 19:31 Uhr von wenchang
Great start! Spoiler alert! https://youtu.be/3GvSJCzyZuE

am 1. Oktober 2024, 15:23 Uhr von Chilly
Beautifully set, approachable (for a cc) and a very nice idea.

am 1. Oktober 2024, 12:28 Uhr von Cosinus
Wow, that one was hard for me! I love it!❤️

am 30. September 2024, 21:55 Uhr von Christounet
Great first CC ! Yup, y'all need to try this. And I for sure would love to attend another one of these chaotic rodeos some day. Thanks :)

am 30. September 2024, 03:25 Uhr von tallcat
Very nice and smooth construction - high marks for your first CC!

am 29. September 2024, 23:08 Uhr von marcmees
Very nice. thanks

Zuletzt geändert am 29. September 2024, 16:22 Uhr

am 29. September 2024, 16:22 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice puzzle! Thank you for the fun

am 29. September 2024, 14:31 Uhr von wuc
A full hour of joy. Some very clever ideas. Amazing setting thx.

am 29. September 2024, 14:25 Uhr von Bankey
Got the "yey" but the last region was weird, so re-did some steps to get it right. Very clever setting. Was fun to solve. Thanks, @ jwsinclair :).

am 29. September 2024, 01:49 Uhr von MaizeGator
Loved the harder puzzle from a legendary setter! I hope to see more like this

am 29. September 2024, 01:49 Uhr von MaizeGator
Loved the harder puzzle from a legendary setter! I hope to see more like this

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:65 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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