Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Happy Anniversary Mum & Dad!

(Eingestellt am 26. September 2024, 23:34 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist)

I know 37 isn't a particularly round number, but this is my parents' first anniversary as grandparents, so it seemed appropriate to make a little something to celebrate.

Play on SudokuPad

Normal 8x8 sudoku rules apply.
Every digit is "married" to exactly one other, and married couples share their values. For example, if 3 and 7 are married, then every instance of the digits 3 and 7 in the grid has a value of (3+7), which is 10.

To celebrate your reaching 37 years of marriage on 26/9, the VALUES in a cage must sum to either 37, 26 or 9. Digits and/or values may repeat in a cage.

DIGITS are subject to normal White Kropki and Anti-knight constraints, i.e.:
- Digits separated by a heart are consecutive,
- Cells separated by a Knight's move (in chess) may not contain the same digit.

The external cells may be used as a reference.

Lösungscode: Row 1 (top) left to right (8 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 26. September 2024, 23:46 Uhr

Gelöst von karlmortenlunna, tuoni2, sorryimLate, darkdrium06, mse326, WedgeOfCheese, jkuo7, mew_rocks, Brodie2000, roflsalot, lmdemasi, Snookerfan, Gilliatt, P12345, hrhgln, Lakritze, Paletron, QuiltyAsCharged, ... Hazem-77, mahdiosm, Voidslime, ako, SudokuHero, dpsy, Clara123, madhupt, Isael, rich_27, roscommon, Jesper, meixia, ViKingPrime, Scojo, palpot, Sotehr, Uhu, michelkraemer, Geb, Leilalu222, michaal94
Komplette Liste


am 12. Oktober 2024, 21:05 Uhr von ViKingPrime
A beautiful puzzle, through and through.

am 27. September 2024, 23:37 Uhr von SimiC
What a beautiful puzzle and message!
Also it's really amazing how the digits 9, 26 and 37 work together mathematically. A wonderful discovery

am 27. September 2024, 22:54 Uhr von bansalsaab
Happy Anniversary to your parents. Beautiful present.

am 27. September 2024, 17:13 Uhr von marcmees
What a present! Thanks for sharing.

am 27. September 2024, 16:47 Uhr von Franjo
Wonderful puzzle and a beautiful present. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this gem.

am 27. September 2024, 12:36 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice! Congratulations on your parents anniversary! Thank you for the lovely puzzle.

am 27. September 2024, 01:56 Uhr von sorryimLate
A wonderful puzzle on it's own and the thematic dimension makes it even more beautiful. Looks like it's a very colourful marriage:) Also it was refreshing to do some knight sudoku with 4x2 boxes for a change. Thanks!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:57 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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