Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

sphinx of black quartz

(Eingestellt am 4. Oktober 2024, 01:40 Uhr von aqjhs)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Cells one chess knight's move apart may not contain the same digit.
  • Digits joined by a white dot are consecutive. All possible dots are given.
  • Digits joined by a V sum to 5. All such pairs are given.
  • Grey line is a palindrome: its digits read the same in either direction.

Online in Sudokupad

See also:

Lösungscode: Column 9 top to bottom

Zuletzt geändert am 8. Dezember 2024, 19:45 Uhr

Gelöst von dtoto, by81996672, Megalobrainiac, jalebc, HazelTheColor, Bjd, fuxia, rameshsrivats, SKORP17, Gullie, lianarox, hrhgln, sisterbear, arteful, Vodakhan , CHRosenthal, SirSchmoopy, MapleAmber, ... Atoro, madhupt, mcs131313, Illuminated, CookiePoochy, OGRussHood, Novisnage, SudokuHero, belnovic, QuiltyAsCharged, dogfarts, Uhu, m_busuttil, mutex, Llamaths, karen_birgitta, rainingfish
Komplette Liste


am 8. Dezember 2024, 22:25 Uhr von Ryx
Excellent puzzle. I enjoyed watching Mark's solve, up to the point he realized the simple step he was missing, since I spotted it early on. So, I don't feel like watching his solve (up to that point) gave me any real advantage.

It was a wonderful journey, using coloring and letters. The negative constraints are so powerful. Great puzzle!

Zuletzt geändert am 8. Dezember 2024, 19:48 Uhr

am 8. Dezember 2024, 19:45 Uhr von aqjhs
watch Mark Goodliffe solve this puzzle :D

am 7. Oktober 2024, 21:02 Uhr von aqjhs
a little clarification (and somewhat of a spoiler): there are no overlapping Vs and dots.

am 6. Oktober 2024, 05:35 Uhr von theParad0x
A simple rule-set that's amazingly set!! Thanks for sharing

am 4. Oktober 2024, 06:46 Uhr von by81996672
Great puzzle.

am 4. Oktober 2024, 03:01 Uhr von dtoto
Fantastic puzzle!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:94 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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