Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Grid network - Colombian Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 18. September 2024, 13:19 Uhr von xaviercastle)

This is a new Colombian Sudoku that I really enjoyed creating. The rules are the same as always: fill the Sudoku on the left, using the clues on the right. The number of points in a row of the table indicates how many matches it has with the corresponding row of the completed Sudoku.

Lösungscode: Last column, top to bottom.

Gelöst von vollbesonderbar, Megalobrainiac, SKORP17, marcmees, logik66, arteful
Komplette Liste

Gelöst:6 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselkombination Rätselvariante

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