Lösungscode: Spalte 4 von oben nach unten (9 Ziffern).
am 11. November 2024, 21:00 Uhr von Frank Puzzles
Very fun puzzle! Unfortunately, I messed up my video since I got a phone call in the middle of it and stopped recording instead of unpausing, so I won't be able to feature it on my channel.
But if you'd like a link to future solves of your puzzles, let me know!
am 4. Oktober 2024, 04:57 Uhr von ostio456
what a fantastic puzzle, a fresh idea in an otherwise busy website!
am 26. September 2024, 12:07 Uhr von Shearing
Loved it. Thank you!
am 24. September 2024, 08:09 Uhr von ChattyKathy
One of my favorite puzzles I've solved! Loved the logic involved with only knowing one half of the shapes, and the negative constraint with the grey shapes was very neat as well. Very nice!
am 20. September 2024, 22:25 Uhr von MattJones
What a satisfying solve! Really original. Thank you!
am 20. September 2024, 21:03 Uhr von Oceanity
Incredibly fun solve! Definitely makes me curious at what other fun ways setters could use half-hidden clues
am 19. September 2024, 19:21 Uhr von azsuth
Loved the negative constraint, and the logic to figure out the sum of a partially hidden shape. Extremely clever and original.
am 18. September 2024, 20:25 Uhr von dzamie
That's a really clever ruleset, and I like how the grey shapes let you do sort of a partial negative constraint on the usual kropki. Lots of fun solving this.
am 18. September 2024, 06:44 Uhr von mostman
am 18. September 2024, 05:47 Uhr von meatbox
Really enjoyed this!
am 16. September 2024, 23:29 Uhr von silent_rob
Lovely puzzle - really enjoyed this ruleset. Tricky at first but as the rules became more ingrained the puzzle went quicker and quicker.
am 15. September 2024, 07:21 Uhr von Sonarym
Very fun ruleset.
am 15. September 2024, 03:36 Uhr von MattYDdraig
An extremely witty puzzle. I love the deliberate use of the foggy ambiguity to shape the solve. Top marks!
am 14. September 2024, 19:54 Uhr von permafrostyx
yay super puzzle 10:15
am 14. September 2024, 13:38 Uhr von Mujtaba
I like this idea.
I had to wrap my head around the rules so they become intuitive
am 14. September 2024, 00:35 Uhr von abadx
Quite original idea, On the top side of 2*
am 13. September 2024, 23:39 Uhr von Elytron
fixed spelling mistake and adjusted difficulty
am 13. September 2024, 22:56 Uhr von elpadrinoIV
Nice puzzle! I think it's closer to 2* than 3.
Thanks for setting!
PS: Solution code says (6 digits) but it's 9 :)
Oh, I actually wanted to put 2 stars but apparently misclicked! Also thanks for out the mistake, that seemed to be copied over from another puzzle D: -Elytron