Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 7. September 2024, 08:45 Uhr von tgstar)

This is my first puzzle. Hope you can enjoy it. All comments are welcome.

Normal sudoku rules apply: place the digits 1-9 once in each row, column and 3*3 box.

There are exactly one "doubler" cell in each row, column and 3*3 box. The 9 "doubler" cells contain a set of 1-9. The value of the digit in "doubler" cell is twice its original value, while the digit not in "doubler" cell has value equal to itself.

German whisper line: difference between adjacent values along the green line is at least 5.

Between line: values on the gray line connected by two circles lie between the values on the two circles.

Renban line: values on the magenta line form a set of non-repeating and consecutive digits in any order.

Maximum cell: the value in a maximum cell (gray cells with brackets pointing outwards) is greater than the values in the four orthogonally-connected cells.

Minimum cell: the value in a minimum cell (gray cells with brackets pointing inwards) is smaller than the values in the four orthogonally-connected cells.

Killer cages: values in each killer cage must sum to the number given on the upper left corner of the cage.

Modulo line: any set of three sequential cells along the teal line must contain one value X which yields X mod 3 = 0; one value Y which yields Y mod 3 = 1; and one value Z which yields Z mod 3 = 2.

3-whisper line: difference between adjacent values along the gold line is at least 3.

Arrow: values along the pill form a two-digit number reading from top to bottom, and values along the arrow must sum to the number.

Kropki: values separated by a black dot are in a ratio of 1:2. Not all possible dots are given.

XV: values separated by a "V" sum to 5. Not all Vs are given.

You can solve the puzzle in CtC app.

Lösungscode: Row 1 (9 digits)

Gelöst von lmdemasi, SKORP17, redgecko, Felis_Timon, rdesmarais2
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am 9. September 2024, 18:06 Uhr von rdesmarais2
About 3.5 stars I think. Parts of it seemed easy and other times I really thought I needed more information.

Gelöst:5 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Lösung abgeben

