Nearly normal Sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 0-8 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 region.
Boxes 1-8 of the Sudoku additionally contain a Yajilin loop (box 9 is colored yellow as a reminder that it's not part of the Yajilin portion of the puzzle, though it still is used for Sudoku). The loop will never enter box 9, and no shaded cells can be placed in box 9.
Yajilin: Draw a loop that passes through the centers of some cells. The loop can only move vertically and horizontally. The loop never crosses itself, branches, or goes through the same cell twice.
Shade some cells in the Yajilin portion of the grid. Shaded cells cannot touch each other orthogonally, though may touch diagonally.
Digits in cells with arrows are not shaded, and they give the total number of shaded cells in all given directions combined.
The loop passes through all cells in boxes 1-8 except for shaded cells and cells with arrow clues.
The loop acts as a Dutch Whispers line (i.e., adjacent digits on the loop must have a difference of at least 4).
Lösungscode: Digits on the loop in row 6 (left to right) followed by digits on the loop in column 2 (top to bottom)
am 7. November 2024, 09:24 Uhr von Frank Puzzles
Here's a link to my solve of the puzzle. Fun new ruleset for me!
am 12. September 2024, 03:45 Uhr von soonertbone
I can't believe I solved this--it was very hard (for me) but never felt unfair. Really, really lovely throughout. Awesome puzzle, thank you!
am 10. September 2024, 04:23 Uhr von Nordy
Awesome! So many juicy deductions, and would have been very smooth if I made an important (and not very difficult) realization sooner
am 8. September 2024, 19:37 Uhr von LehanLehan
Wonderful loop puzzle, thank you very much.
am 7. September 2024, 15:55 Uhr von samuel1997
Very interesting puzzle! Thank you!
am 7. September 2024, 13:56 Uhr von wuc
Another great loop puzzle with refreshing rules. Felt almost 4 stars. Got stock in mid game for some time. Great fun hour of sudoku thx.
am 7. September 2024, 07:26 Uhr von smckinley
Excellent hybrid, thanks!
am 7. September 2024, 04:18 Uhr von cybers
Clean as could be - great setting, thanks!
am 7. September 2024, 01:45 Uhr von Malrog
I had the great pleasure to test this puzzle prior to its publishing. It is a very finely balanced hybrid, with interesting deductions throughout, and well worth spending time with. Thanks yttrio!