Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Modulo Yin Yang

(Eingestellt am 5. August 2024, 11:42 Uhr von wuc)

My second addition to the modulo series. I thought it would nicely interact with yin yang shading. Have fun and leave a comment.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Yin Yang: Shade some cells such that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected and all unshaded cells are orthogonally connected and no 2x2 area is fully shaded or unshaded.

Modulo 2 shading: The value of digits on shaded cells count modulo 2, meaning that even digits have the value 0, and odd digits the value 1.

Arrows: VALUES along an arrow must sum to the VALUE in the circle from which the arrow emerges. Digits and values may repeat along arrows if allowed by other rules.

Kropki pairs: The VALUES of digits in cells separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. The VALUES of digits in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are necessarily given.

Additionally cells separated by WHITE dots are shaded differently.

Here is a small example to clairify the rules:

play on sudokupad

Lösungscode: All digits in shaded cells in row 4.

Zuletzt geändert am 25. August 2024, 10:44 Uhr

Gelöst von wulfy83, Elker, Sinuit, Piff, totem_mapr, Cosinus, happyteo, futoysl, Onyx, smckinley, redgecko, gdc, Baklin, koba1917, aerenhart, BirdyChirp, Chishiri, yttrio, Counterfeitly, NeroChaos, Paletron, ... jerbear29, MaxSmartable, dogfarts, lianarox, SKORP17, wenchang, crustaceous, nixxo, InuNoTaisho, pasta_al_tonno, renmou3355529, darrenfwl, flipout, gnidan, joelth, Tommymanners, PippoForte, ikaikaw
Komplette Liste


am 27. August 2024, 00:26 Uhr von wenchang
Nice! Spoiler alert! https://youtu.be/lLgnHTG44E8

am 25. August 2024, 10:44 Uhr von wuc
added newest modulo puzzle to list in the description

am 12. August 2024, 14:17 Uhr von wuc
cosmetic html change

am 12. August 2024, 14:14 Uhr von wuc
added link to series

am 8. August 2024, 10:39 Uhr von elpadrinoIV
Brilliant puzzle!
Thanks for setting it!

am 7. August 2024, 04:06 Uhr von yttrio
Fantastic puzzle! It definitely helped when I realized the white dots also separated shading types :) There were a couple of key realizations that led to a lot of progress.

Zuletzt geändert am 5. August 2024, 16:46 Uhr

am 5. August 2024, 16:45 Uhr von Cosinus
Thanks! Please more of that series!
Challenging and very satisfying!

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