Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hidden 7-8 Lines

(Eingestellt am 28. Juli 2024, 12:48 Uhr von Visumation)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

There are some lines in the grid. There is only one line of each color. All lines are 7 or 8 cells long, only move orthogonally and cannot touch themselves orthogonally..

Green-ish lines are German Whispers where neighboring digits have a difference of at least 5.

Purple-ish lines are Renban lines, where its digits are consecutive in any order.

Blue-ish lines are Region Sum lines, where the digits sum to the same total every time it enters a box. If a blue-ish line enters a box more than once, every visit is counted saperately.

Orange lines are Dutch Whispers, where neighboring digits have a difference of at least 4.

Digits separated by a black dot are in a ratio 1:2.

Clues outside the grid are little killers, where the clue is the total sum of the indicated diagonal.

Additionally the grid is partially covered in fog. The fog will clear in the surrounding cells, when a digit is entered correctly.

Solve in Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Negative diagonal

Gelöst von jalebc, maniacaljackal, Inge, jerricanary, PierreTombal, rysmyth240, Ragna, tgstar, kkli, butch02, cmigas, Notlob, Megalobrainiac, foggybrume, dianogah, SKORP17, Onyx, RedBulls75, cathematician, ... BlackApolloX, wuc, sujoyku, le bonhomme, Bionic Cheese, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Vegan_warior, soumyagupta0127, MaxSmartable, tiwe, timww572, Frutlop, asver, Koba, burgermason, PippoForte, bilms
Komplette Liste


am 26. August 2024, 13:20 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, Visumation! The "length of lines"-restriction leads to a lot of original logic. I agree with wuc that it is a clear 5 stars beauty puzzle. Thank you for setting and sharing!

am 26. August 2024, 09:30 Uhr von wuc
Very cool ideas. Way underrated. Great fun thx.

am 2. August 2024, 22:57 Uhr von maiaz
For other folks struggling to interpret negative diagonal - it is the diagonal R1C1 -> R9C9.
Same slope as the following sign.

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Juli 2024, 15:23 Uhr

am 31. Juli 2024, 07:15 Uhr von ostio456
I believe my solution to be correct but the negative diagonal i try doesn't work. Am i misunderstanding what code you're asking for?

I think it works. A lot of people have submitted corectly.

am 30. Juli 2024, 00:04 Uhr von Tank
Good puzzle, got stuck and realized that the rules said 1 line of each "color" not "type"

am 29. Juli 2024, 05:33 Uhr von rameshsrivats
Very cool puzzle

am 28. Juli 2024, 22:43 Uhr von fractalminding
It was very exciting! It was difficult in some places, but it was pretty clear to me what I should do.

am 28. Juli 2024, 21:44 Uhr von gdc
Nice logical flow. Liked the way, the limitations on line-lengths were used. But I fear solvers with color vision deficiencies might have a hard time with this.

am 28. Juli 2024, 15:14 Uhr von Ragna
Das hat Spaß gemacht. Dankeschön. :-)

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:117 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

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