Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bugs Like Pink Street Lighting

(Eingestellt am 23. Juli 2024, 23:58 Uhr von Noxy78)

My first proper sudoku ! Hope you like it.


Normal sudoku rules apply.
Every Renban (pink) line contains a set of consecutive digits in any order, without repeats.
Digits separated by a bug (black dot) are in a 1:2 ratio.

Solve here.

Good luck !

Lösungscode: Enter the digits from the bottom row, ordered from left to right, not separated.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juli 2024, 10:30 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, lmdemasi, psams, Ryzen, finger, tuturitu, PippoForte
Komplette Liste


am 30. Juli 2024, 10:30 Uhr von Noxy78
Updated the difficulty

am 26. Juli 2024, 07:00 Uhr von psams
This is an outstanding puzzle! Well worth your time to try it.
There is a clear path of deduction from start to finish, but not simple. (The author was nice enough to help me - I gave up too soon on my first attempt.)

am 24. Juli 2024, 19:25 Uhr von Noxy78
Added some tags.

am 24. Juli 2024, 11:35 Uhr von Noxy78
Just changed some text I wasn't too happy about, the sudoku remained exactly the same.

am 24. Juli 2024, 00:06 Uhr von Noxy78
If anyone reads this, don't forget to comment to let me know how you got on !
As this is my first sudoku, I'd like to know what I did well, and what I didn't do so well :)

Gelöst:7 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal


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