Here is the 12th chapter of the Zodiac Project. Very happy to be part of it.
The previous parts of the series are:
Chapter 1:
Orion's Belt by ViKingPrime
Chapter 2:
Counting Castles by marty_sears
Chapter 3:
Derezzed by heliopolix
Chapter 4:
Rodd Stevens by 99%Sneaky
Chapter 5:
Phase Shift by meggen033
Chapter 6:
Cage Decoder by sujoyku
Chapter 7:
Star Chart by Flinty
Chapter 8:
Parity Expedition by palpot
Chapter 9:
Suguru's Surge by gdc
Chapter 10:
Minefield Maneuvers by SamuPiano
Chapter 11:
Ponta Delgada by Florian Wortmann
The next setter will be
Christounet and I'm excited to see what he comes up with. This is the set I picked for him:
Standard cave rules apply, standard fillomino rules apply, with addition that a fillomino region must be either all cave cells or all wall cells. (more details on the penpa+ page)
If a circle is cave, the value in the circle indicates the number of cave cells it sees in all directions. If the circle is wall, the value in the circle indicates the number of squares in that wall region.
The nine circles contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
Japanese sums: the horizontal clues are for either wall or cave and the verticals will be for the other. (If horizontal clues are cave, then the vertical ones will be wall).
"?" stands for any digit 0-9, but for a double digit number, the first digit may not be 0. An outside clue can not be 0. The "..." denotes an arbitrary number of Japanese sum clues. This could be zero, one, or multiple. (in r4, you just know the first clue, the 3 "..." still follow the normal rules).
A jsum cage with no value can have any value but can not be 0.
In killer cages, numbers must sum to value in the top left. The same numbers cannot repeat in the cages, (1 and 11 work, 12 and 12 do not work)
You have to find the values of Z and P from 0-9.
penpa+ link
Gelöst von Christounet, Playmaker6174, ViKingPrime, roflsalot, JayForty, karlmortenlunna
am 22. Juli 2024, 18:25 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Cool puzzle with lots of neat deductions, but also with a very consistent difficulty and solvers really need to figure out the right questions before making to next parts of the solve. Funny how that ending resolves that nicely there x)
am 21. Juli 2024, 09:38 Uhr von Christounet
Very nice puzzle and another original episode in this serie. I hope I can live up to the quality standard established by the previous setters of the Zodiac Project !