Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mastermind Sudoku (6x6)

(Eingestellt am 17. Juli 2024, 18:31 Uhr von RockyRoer)

The Rules:

  1. [Sudoku] Normal sudoku rules apply - fill every row, column and 2x3 box with the digits from 1 to 6.
  2. [Mastermind] A four-digit password must be deduced. Each killer cage represents a guess at the password when reading the digits as a four digit number in order starting at the arrows.
    • If a cell is marked green, then that digit is the correct digit in the correct place.
    • If a cell is marked yellow, then that digit is in the password but must be in a different location.
    • If a cell is marked gray, then that digit is not in the password.
    • If a cell is not marked, no information is revealed.
      e.g. if the password is 1234, then a guess of 3514 could have the 3 marked yellow, the five marked silver, the 1 marked yellow and/or the four marked green

    Notes about the password:
    • The four digits are all different digits from the set 1-6.
    • The password is a prime number.

  3. [Killer] Digits cannot repeat in a killer cage.
    Notes about Killer Cage totals:
    • The three cages marked with x, y, and z must have unique prime number cage totals.
    • None of the cage totals may sum to a square number.

The Puzzle:

Play on Sven's Sudokupad

Some advice -- I recommend using letters or colors at first. Also, I can assure you, while there should be no need to look up large prime numbers, you might need to know a few basic divisibility tricks. Good luck!

Lösungscode: The four-digit guess that was closest to the correct password without going over.

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Juli 2024, 18:42 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, sanabas, psams, dinyvel, EFlatMinor, Franjo, cathematician, marcmees, LuanMerlin, Niverio, sfushidahardy, cybers, davidemsa, ukdl
Komplette Liste


am 9. August 2024, 03:12 Uhr von sfushidahardy
Loved it! Extremely smooth solve path, even though it looks difficult at first.

am 18. Juli 2024, 16:13 Uhr von marcmees
very nice. thanks

am 18. Juli 2024, 13:08 Uhr von Franjo
Another fine math-puzzle I enjoyed very much. But then I struggled finding the correct solution code … As an experienced MM-player I thought the best guess was the one which gave the most information about the code. But later I realized that you have to only calculate the differences of numbers and find the smallest one. Stupid me! Thank you very much for sharing this lovely puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Juli 2024, 08:16 Uhr

am 18. Juli 2024, 08:10 Uhr von psams
Side note : I created Ice Cubes Sudoku after solving your Squares in the Fog puzzle. Mine is not an interesting Sudoku at all (too simple), but as a numerical curiosity, it is quite interesting. I filled in the grid with digits from cubes of values 1 to 81 in order, and it was amazing how far you could solve the grid using only standard sudoku rules from there. Check it out, puzzle 000IQF. (my other puzzles are much better as puzzles). Love the math - keep them coming.

am 18. Juli 2024, 07:17 Uhr von sanabas
Fun colouring exercise, then fun to turn colours into numbers, too.

am 17. Juli 2024, 18:42 Uhr von RockyRoer
Updated link

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