Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stolen Numerals XVII-2

(Eingestellt am 16. Juli 2024, 10:27 Uhr von NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Cells connected by an X must sum to 10.

Cells connected by an V must sum to 5.

All X's and V's are given.

Cells connected by an blue square must sum to 7.

All blue squares are given.

Cells with a grey square must be even

Cells with a grey circle must be odd

The grey squares and circles must together have all the digits of 1-9 on them i.e. none of the grey cells can share a digit

Additionally, cells on a grey square or circle can not be orthogonally adjacent with a consecutive digit

Link to sudokupad

Link to f-puzzle


Feel free to recommend this puzzle to anyone.

Feel free to take special rules for your own puzzle.

Feel free to give feedback.

Bless you!


Lösungscode: give the digits of row 7 (left to right)

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Juli 2024, 20:15 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, flaemmchen, zorant, Sudocorgi, linl33, SEPHEN, alexsmart, forsen, Iluvsodah, seeppp, Unknown, ole-1995a, PinkNickels, sarabtx, Onkel_Dagobert, cmigas, harwiltz, Chelo, kublai, Raistlen, ... by81996672, snowyegret, asver, steveire, gnidan, AnebodaSlatorp, erkiraak, saisasank, snauticle, HumanBirdsong, chestertherat, galium_odoratum, Benji, PippoForte, Chlorophyll, cbjenkins, lovely
Komplette Liste


am 20. Juli 2024, 06:53 Uhr von botteur
Fantastic puzzle. Loved it

am 17. Juli 2024, 21:55 Uhr von dtoto
Love the blue square variant of this excellent XV series. Thanks so much Nurgles, keep em coming!

am 17. Juli 2024, 20:26 Uhr von NurglesGift
Thank you all! :)

am 17. Juli 2024, 03:38 Uhr von Tinnifer
Beautiful puzzle! Pretty challenging break-in like others said, but very smooth after that. Loved it!

am 17. Juli 2024, 00:32 Uhr von anyeyeball
Very nicely done. Satisfying solve. Bless you!

am 16. Juli 2024, 23:08 Uhr von fitzie
i found this to be much harder to wrap my head around than the other blue square, but very rewarding.

am 16. Juli 2024, 20:47 Uhr von CanadianLeviathan
Fun! Maybe the hardest puzzle I've done as far as the break in goes. Lovely coloring.

am 16. Juli 2024, 20:05 Uhr von Nostor
Thank you for a very enjoyable puzzle. However, I have to agree that for me, it's closer to 3*

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Juli 2024, 18:34 Uhr

am 16. Juli 2024, 18:33 Uhr von fortunia27
Lovely puzzle! The break-in was definitely higher than 2* for me, but then once broken in the rest of the puzzle flowed very nicely. Superb!

am 16. Juli 2024, 15:41 Uhr von Onkel_Dagobert
I would definitely not call the break-in "easy". Other than that, very approachable indeed. Nice work again!

am 16. Juli 2024, 15:12 Uhr von PinkNickels
Another banger!! Thanks!

am 16. Juli 2024, 10:29 Uhr von NurglesGift
This one is a lot easier then the first XVII...

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:155 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

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