Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Squares In The Fog #2

(Eingestellt am 9. Juli 2024, 23:01 Uhr von RockyRoer)

So, I was literally on the couch setting this sequel to Squares in the Fog when I saw that CTC had featured that one, so, of course, I HAD to finish this. This might be slightly tougher than the first one, but not too much.

The Rules:

  1. Normal [Fog] sudoku rules apply - fill every row, column, and 3x3 region with the digits 0 to 8 once each. Placing correct digits will remove fog from surrounding cells to reveal more clues.
  2. [Squares] - Somewhere in the fog are 9 cells marked with squares - one in every row, column and 3x3 box. These squares must contain the digits 0-8 once each. Additionally, the sum of ALL the digits in the cells up to and including the cells containing squares, (top to bottom, left to right, as one might read) must always sum to a square number.
    • For example, if R4C2 contains a square, then the sum of the digits in row 1, row 2, row 3, R4C1, and R4C2 must be a square number (in this case, specifically 121).
    • The square numbers are 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36; 36, 49, 64; 81, 100; 121, 144; 144, 169; 196; 225; 256; 289, 324...

The Puzzle:

Try it on Sven's Sudoku Pad

Lösungscode: The digits in the column with the marked square containing an 8, from top to bottom.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Juli 2024, 14:36 Uhr

Gelöst von halakani, utsavb, bansalsaab, ole-1995a, YoshiKyon, rameshsrivats, jkuo7, abysszealot, gigglingCaduceus, marcmees, RebelSystem, vorash00, WvdWest, smckinley, h5663454, itweb, jalebc, Franjo, ... dendrobium, richardkchapman, konjecture, Thibaa, piyush, atomvic, Gregocon, QuiltyAsCharged, miranda_9, HighEagle, silviuburceadev, StaticTimeHead, dpsy, belnovic, tdeo, Genomico, soumyagupta0127
Komplette Liste


am 16. Juli 2024, 17:14 Uhr von johnreid
Great puzzle! Thanks!

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Juli 2024, 13:31 Uhr

am 12. Juli 2024, 12:50 Uhr von Gammon88
You have 144 listed twice, no big deal, great puzzle.

Reply: That's intentional. I also have 36 listed twice. And semicolons in weird places.

am 10. Juli 2024, 14:36 Uhr von RockyRoer

am 10. Juli 2024, 14:13 Uhr von Franjo
I definitely enjoyed #1 - and this is even better! Thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Juli 2024, 14:37 Uhr

am 10. Juli 2024, 11:29 Uhr von vorash00
I like the little hints of the row totals and all the square numbers given in the rules.

One slight nitpick - the semi colon in the rules is missing between 196 and 225, but that’s a real nitpick it’s genuinely a great puzzle and thanks again for the notations it’s so helpful.

REPLY: Lol, thanks - I went back and fixed it and I'm glad someone noticed, which meant me listing them out like that was actually helpful!

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Juli 2024, 04:45 Uhr

am 10. Juli 2024, 04:39 Uhr von rameshsrivats
Terrific puzzle. Found this a bit easier after solving the previous one.
And thanks for helpfully putting the row totals in the grid.

Reply: no problem, I figured, since I was always doing it for myself after every test, it made sense to just help everyone out. I considered making a link that didn't have the totals, just for those who wanted the extra challenge of practicing their multiples of 36...

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:60 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal

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