4321 (Palindrome XV)
(Eingestellt am 7. Juli 2024, 17:25 Uhr von ProRock)
This one is a sequel to my previous "1234" puzzle.
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Palindromes: Digits in a grey palindrome line form the same sequence reading from both directions.
- Arrows: Digits along an arrow line sum to the digit in the attached circle.
- XV: Digits in cells separated by an X sum to 10, digits in cells separated by a V sum to 5.
- Kropki: Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.
- Not all X, V or white dots are necessarily given!
SudokuPad: Click
Lösungscode: Column 1
Gelöst von jalebc, Snookerfan, sanabas, SKORP17, JivkoJ, Megalobrainiac, PippoForte, pdabraham, finger, mrbell270, dennischen, Bjd, Muhammad, Silverstep, han233ing
am 31. Juli 2024, 02:15 Uhr von ProRock
Well done, mrbell270! Astonishing persistance. I hope it felt rewarding after all!
am 29. Juli 2024, 15:41 Uhr von mrbell270
This one took me little bit over 16 hours. Great "set-alike" geometry