Unique Value Deconstruction
(Eingestellt am 27. Juni 2024, 18:13 Uhr von sfushidahardy)
I was inspired to try setting this puzzle as a 'deconstruction version' of the fantastic puzzle Unique Values by Mesmer. (In fact, Unique Values was my first introduction to variant sudoku--thank you Matt!)
- Deconstruction: the grid contains nine non-overlapping 3x3 regions which you must locate. Each region contains the digits from 1 to 9 with no repeats. Each row and column of the entire 11x11 grid also has no repeated digits.
- The 'value' of a cage, cell, or collection of cells is the sum of its digits, where an empty cell contributes 0.
- Region sum cages: no two cages have the same value. If a single cage intersects multiple regions, its restrictions to each region have the same value.
- The two inequalities between cells point to the smaller value. The cage labelled '<14' has a value strictly less than 14.
Lösungscode: The digits in row 6 (no spaces)
Gelöst von yanggang, SKORP17, XIAOYING, h5663454, Tom-dz, Unknown, jkuo7, henrypijames, Grothenlace, halakani, dogfarts, peaceful_lozenge, ONeill, tonald, quantumquark1, Canyun, MusiKaiser, RgniL, steveire, misko, twobear, MaizeGator, Wynn, SudokuHero, MokuFlows, Asphodel, widjo, zakkai
am 7. Juli 2024, 12:50 Uhr von ONeill
Great puzzle, the clues are very well placed :)