Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rock on!

(Eingestellt am 21. Juni 2024, 20:07 Uhr von theasylm)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Normal fog-of-war rules apply. Normal Japanese Sums rules apply. Colors used in this puzzle are pink. For best results, remove all unshaded marking you have done once completed. Finally, there are clues that are letters. These correspond to a cage somewhere in the grid with the same letter as its label. The digits in the cage represents the sum for that clue.
Fog-of-war rules: Some cells are hidden by "fog" meaning you cannot see their contents. The fog will be revealed when an adjacent digit is correctly filled. The intent of these puzzles is to make logical moves rather than guessing and using the fog reveal to know whether you are correct.
Japanese Sums rules: the squares outside the grid indicate the order of the runs of contiguous cells that must be shaded the color of the clue. The number in the square indicates the sum of the cells in the run. There must be at least one unshaded cell between runs of the same color, but that is not required for runs of different colors. All shaded runs are given.

Lösungscode: Row 2

Gelöst von gdc, jalebc, SKORP17, cathematician, Chefofdeath, marcmees, RebelSystem, Jagga, zrbakhtiar, lmdemasi, RockyRoer, Onyx, FlareglooM, Iluvsodah, Montinox, Luehbur84, coolguy14, jkuo7, SudokuFan, ... Eraelan, logiclox, Pascuel, Frutlop, Saskia24, observer38, emertrdgkh, MaxSmartable, Fizz, abadx, Fisherman, x3y2z1, saskia-daniela, Terrapin, rcg, jgarber, Elytron, bereolosp, Saskia11, arangues
Komplette Liste


am 24. Juni 2024, 20:35 Uhr von maiaz
i'm getting ambiguity between final set of 3x 1 and 3x 3. Maybe I did something wrong?

Bewertung:74 %
Gelöst:53 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

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