Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Up and Down the Skyline

(Eingestellt am 21. Juni 2024, 04:17 Uhr von Corvin)

Standard Sudoku rules apply.

XV: Digits joined by a V sum to 5, digits joined by an X sum to 10. All possible Xs and Vs are given.

Skyscrapers: Each digit is a skyscraper with height equal to its value. Bigger skyscrapers hide smaller ones behind them (e.g. a 9 as the first digit from that direction would hide every other digit behind it).

Draw an orthogonal path starting from the green circle. The path doesn't fork or touch itself, not even diagonally. The path visits each box at least once. For each step on the path the digit on it has to either increase by exactly 1, decrease by any number or connect 1 with 9.

The clues outside the grid either show the number of skyscrapers visible from that direction or the number of digits on the path in that row/column. For each pair of clues in a row/column one is always a skyscraper clue and the other is a path clue, the solver has to determine which is which.

Play on SudokuPad by Sven Neumann

Lösungscode: All digits on the path in column 1 and 9 read from top to bottom. (Eg. if digits in column1 are 123 and in column9 456, the code would read 123456)

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Juni 2024, 17:07 Uhr

Gelöst von Eweis, Xalothros, marcmees, Gilliatt, SKORP17, halakani, lmdemasi, paranoid, Terrapin, PippoForte
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 21. Juni 2024, 17:07 Uhr

am 21. Juni 2024, 10:13 Uhr von marcmees
the green dot in R9C1 does not get included as a path cell in the solution. ?? Fixed it - Corvin

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Juni 2024, 17:10 Uhr

am 21. Juni 2024, 09:13 Uhr von alexsmart
I see a red path when I click on the link. I presume that's the solution and is visible by accident? Fixed it - Corvin

am 21. Juni 2024, 04:17 Uhr von Corvin
The base Sudoku in this is probably around 1 Star in difficulty, however finding the correct path can be kind of tricky, so I've rated it with 3 Stars.

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Wegerätsel

Lösung abgeben

