This is a remaking of the 2nd sudoku I ever made, shortly after my debut puzzle "The Magic Column" was featured on CTC in November 2022. I kind of forgot about it til recently and never posted it on LMD. Last week I thought about it again and thought of some ways of improving it, using some of the things I've learnt in the last year and a half. So the ruleset is the same, but I'm much more pleased with it now.
Please leave a comment if you enjoy :)
Lösungscode: Row 8 from left to right
am 14. November 2024, 02:39 Uhr von jakestilesowen
I like the introduction of non-standard rules, the relatively neat grid, and the reasonable logic.
am 16. Oktober 2024, 16:33 Uhr von FifthWorld
Note to self: it's forty, not fourty.
am 5. Juli 2024, 21:53 Uhr von Ratfinkz
Lovely! Slightly tricky until you work out certain logic, then flows beautifully! Loved this
am 3. Juli 2024, 14:49 Uhr von ChinStrap
Marty continues to make these lovely puzzles with logic that feels like I can hear his thoughts while setting. Great approachable puzzle
am 28. Juni 2024, 17:49 Uhr von fortunia27
Don't know how Marty comes up with some of these, truly a sudoku mad genius! A brilliant puzzle as always
am 22. Juni 2024, 23:42 Uhr von anyeyeball
Very fun and original. Loved it!
am 22. Juni 2024, 18:25 Uhr von Franjo
Again a lovely puzzle - an easy one this time (2 stars) as long as you can spell. In one case I got it wrong… I’m not a native speaker, but - what a shame! Thank you so much for sharing this funny thing.
am 22. Juni 2024, 12:20 Uhr von WatermeRen
lot of second guessing myself as is common for me with new constraints, but cool nonetheless
am 22. Juni 2024, 12:06 Uhr von Prince Myshkin
Amazing puzzle once again, Mr Sears!