Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

High-Rise Whisper Loop

(Eingestellt am 15. Juni 2024, 02:24 Uhr von yttrio)


Lösungscode: All of row 7 (left to right), followed by digits on the loop in row 8 (left to right)

Gelöst von cornish-john, EFlatMinor, han233ing, Mr_tn, mihel111, sorryimLate, LuanMerlin, marcmees, Mennoo_, ArnulfKoch, RebelSystem, Doofenschmirtz, Crul, QuiltyAsCharged, ChinStrap, LehanLehan, Kallor, bansalsaab, PippoForte, Sewerin
Komplette Liste


am 24. Juni 2024, 20:04 Uhr von ChinStrap
Opening left me overly confident but the puzzle quickly humbled me back to reality. Great puzzle, with the skyscrapers giving it a really different feel.

am 15. Juni 2024, 16:16 Uhr von marcmees
Nice addition to a nice series. Thanks

am 15. Juni 2024, 14:41 Uhr von sorryimLate
Very nice and consistent (high 3*) difficulty level through the whole solve with many clever deductions. The whisper-skyscraper combination works beautifully! Thanks.

am 15. Juni 2024, 12:21 Uhr von mihel111
How easy to go the wrong way on this one. So it'as a big 3* for me. The break-in is nice, but then the hard work starts. Very satisfying when done.
Great puzzle as always.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:20 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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