Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knight's Conundrum

(Eingestellt am 10. Juni 2024, 19:13 Uhr von brainteaserartisan)

After a few unsuccessful attempts, I eventually succeeded in setting a puzzle heavily defined by the antiknight constraint.



  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.
  • Digits in cages must sum to the clue in the corner.
  • Digits separated by an X sum to 10, and digits separated by the V sum to 5.
  • Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive, and digits separated by the black dot are in a 1:2 ratio (one digit is double the other).
  • Not all Xs, Vs, and dots are necessarily given.
  • The cell with a grey circle must contain an odd digit.
  • Box borders divide the blue lines into segments with the same sum. Different lines may have different sums.
  • Along green German whisper lines, adjacent digits must differ by at least 5.
Solve the puzzle here.

Comments are welcome, but please be kind.

Lösungscode: Row 1 (9 digits, left to right)

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Juli 2024, 22:13 Uhr

Gelöst von fuxia, SKORP17, noodlehead, wmoret, benny, tiuhto, Bertfaz, Felis_Timon, pepe74287, galium_odoratum, GeorgeTheToad2, NineK, davidjshort, hildende, keesh, zrbakhtiar, drf93, MayorasMask, fstilus, ... Jowser, Thomster, Uattanscethe09, Kachow, r0the, toboed, burgermason, jordanza, Kirra, josemadre, naftbefehl, RSVPlayer14, alzika, PippoForte, DutchMark, Jastucreudo, yasmim.nat, treb, Malsted
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am 20. August 2024, 16:45 Uhr von ClayLovesLogic
Link to my solve. Great puzzle

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Juni 2024, 16:15 Uhr

am 20. Juni 2024, 16:14 Uhr von brainteaserartisan
A grey square has been removed as it proved superfluous and unnecessary for solving the puzzle, and for disambiguation resulting in a unique solution. It was a leftover from the early stages of setting it. The original comment pointing this out has been generalized to avoid giving away specific details. The rules have been updated accordingly. Thanks to sujoyku for highlighting this issue.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Juni 2024, 16:02 Uhr

am 20. Juni 2024, 10:24 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, brainteaserartisan! It is nicely approachable and I think it is rather important that there are also puzzles that new people on the site can tackle. This one is a great introduction how to use the anti-knight constraint. Just out of curiosity: Is the grey square a left-over of an earlier version of the puzzle? It is not required to solve.
Anyhow, thanks again for setting and sharing this fun puzzle snack!

am 11. Juni 2024, 21:02 Uhr von Ganbatte
I’ve been doing these sudoku puzzles for about half a year and this took me 27 minutes. So it’s accurately a one-star and I had fun doing it. Thank you!

am 11. Juni 2024, 18:48 Uhr von Juanfox5
Hello! This is a very nice puzzle for absolute begginers. And I agree with thunderflash on the knights rule, as it makes almost no impact on solving the puzzle. Maybe reduce other rules or simply take some out. Cheers!

am 11. Juni 2024, 07:50 Uhr von Onkel_Dagobert
An excellent puzzle to introduce beginners to many sudoku concepts, however just a speedrun for more advanced players.

am 10. Juni 2024, 22:05 Uhr von PinkNickels
Fun speed run! 5:14 for me

am 10. Juni 2024, 21:10 Uhr von thunderflash
Very nice puzzle! I am still very new to solving sudoku and this is one of very few I have managed to solve.

I think if you wanted it based on knight constraint then maybe reduce other constraints some how.

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Gelöst:314 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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