Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Shot Through the Dot

(Eingestellt am 3. Juni 2024, 15:35 Uhr von meggen033)

Solve with SudokuPad

• Normal Sudoku rules apply.

• Adjacent digits along a green german whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.

• The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell.

• A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. A white dot between cells indicates cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are given.

• Digits in a cage do not repeat and sum to the clue in the top left.

• The grid is partially covered with fog. Correctly placed digits will clear the fog around that cell.

Happy Solving and God Bless!!!

Lösungscode: Enter row 7 digits

Gelöst von PinkNickels, seeppp, fuxia, kublai, sujoyku, Nagesh, Kegelkraker39, hige, Greg, AN_not_IO, Mr.CHEN, Cane_Puzzles, jalebc, wdaley1, Phire, Matti64, Alce, zrbakhtiar, Raistlen, pkratz22, ole-1995a, ... PippoForte, coeurblacky, Montinox, 91loves, rexxk, achambers2010, ChampionAsh5357, Spooof, Blackophelia, bilms, mmhhhh, DutchMark, CSStead, pms_headache, jklimp, golfminer13, 999ARMEN999, Juanfox
Komplette Liste


am 6. Januar 2025, 12:37 Uhr von 91loves
this was rly nice!! loved it

am 5. Juni 2024, 04:03 Uhr von ostio456
Most fun puzzle ive completed for a while!

am 4. Juni 2024, 22:23 Uhr von cozoq
Nice puzzle! I agree that it's definitely not 1 star difficulty.

am 4. Juni 2024, 19:58 Uhr von zimmicks
Nice puzzle! I have given a 2 Star rating

am 3. Juni 2024, 16:55 Uhr von Phire
This puzzle was very beutiful however i dont think it's a one star, probobly a 2

am 3. Juni 2024, 16:20 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this very enjoyable puzzle, meggen033! Some steps to me felt a little more difficult. Therefore I have given 2 stars difficulty. But there was no doubt it was a 5/5 beauty. :) Thank you for setting and sharing!

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:266 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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