Angle of Attack
(Eingestellt am 12. Mai 2024, 02:46 Uhr von bodemeister)
I promised a harder sequel to
Unlucky Killers awhile back and finally here it is! This puzzle is a row and column indexing sudoku with some intricate interactions. Special thanks to
Wullemuus for testing this puzzle. You can solve the puzzle
here at CtC. Enjoy!
- Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
- Each cell in a killer cage references the position of a digit in its corresponding row and column. If cell RxCy contains digit k and is part of a killer cage, then cell RxCk contains digit y and cell RkCy contains digit x.
- In each of the corner boxes (boxes 1,3,7,9), the sum of the digits in killer cages is at most 12.
- The cell with the grey square contains an even digit.
Lösungscode: The digits in row 7 (left to right), followed by the digits in column 6 (top to bottom)
Gelöst von MonsieurTRISTE, cryptique, SKORP17, sanabas, tonald, Leonard Hal, yangduoxing, wullemuus, DaleVandermeer, PippoForte
am 13. Juni 2024, 20:19 Uhr von wullemuus
Wonderful puzzle!
Zuletzt geändert am 23. Mai 2024, 00:18 Uhram 17. Mai 2024, 16:54 Uhr von tonald
The logic in the middle box is amazing.
Thank you so much for your comment! I'm so happy you found it!
am 12. Mai 2024, 07:08 Uhr von MonsieurTRISTE