Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Angle of Attack

(Eingestellt am 12. Mai 2024, 02:46 Uhr von bodemeister)

I promised a harder sequel to Unlucky Killers awhile back and finally here it is! This puzzle is a row and column indexing sudoku with some intricate interactions. Special thanks to Wullemuus for testing this puzzle. You can solve the puzzle here at CtC. Enjoy!

  1. Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
  2. Each cell in a killer cage references the position of a digit in its corresponding row and column. If cell RxCy contains digit k and is part of a killer cage, then cell RxCk contains digit y and cell RkCy contains digit x.
  3. In each of the corner boxes (boxes 1,3,7,9), the sum of the digits in killer cages is at most 12.
  4. The cell with the grey square contains an even digit.

Lösungscode: The digits in row 7 (left to right), followed by the digits in column 6 (top to bottom)

Gelöst von MonsieurTRISTE, cryptique, SKORP17, sanabas, tonald, Leonard Hal, yangduoxing, wullemuus, DaleVandermeer, PippoForte
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am 13. Juni 2024, 20:19 Uhr von wullemuus
Wonderful puzzle!

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Mai 2024, 00:18 Uhr

am 17. Mai 2024, 16:54 Uhr von tonald
The logic in the middle box is amazing.
Thank you so much for your comment! I'm so happy you found it!

am 12. Mai 2024, 07:08 Uhr von MonsieurTRISTE

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselvariante Mathematikkenntnisse

Lösung abgeben

