Ten Lines 01: Counting to Ten
(Eingestellt am 5. Mai 2024, 03:34 Uhr von isajo4002)
Normal sudoku rules apply
Ten Lines: A Ten Line can be divided into one or more non-overlapping segments that each sum to 10. Digits may repeat on Ten Lines if allowed by other rules.
Kropki Dots: Black dots separate cells where one cell is double the other. White dots separate cells containing consecutive digits. Not all dots are shown.
Play on SudokuPad
Lösungscode: row 5 followed by column 4
Zuletzt geändert am 7. Mai 2024, 04:46 Uhr
Gelöst von dumediat, fjam, SeveNateNine, jalebc, Blaimi, Megalobrainiac, Piff, SKORP17, fuxia, jwsinclair, Bjd, idanz, Gilliatt, MicroStudy, seeppp, AvonD, OutOfMyMindBRB, fahmisack, killer_rectangle, Kreekers, ... sujoyku, roscommon, cybers, blackjackfitz, gdc, HighEagle, oskode, joelth, Ulistef, karlmortenlunna, asver, deangaudet, MysticMan, NeilGirdhar, yttrio, salsais, filuta, Samish, Carolin
am 14. Mai 2024, 21:23 Uhr von sacklunch
Beautifully constructed puzzle! Really enjoyable solve, thanks for sharing.
am 8. Mai 2024, 15:40 Uhr von Nordy
Very cool puzzle! I enjoyed that a lot