Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Just Thermos

(Eingestellt am 2. Mai 2024, 14:08 Uhr von Biscuit)


Normal Sudoku: Fill the grid with the digits 1 to 9 appearing once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
Thermometers: Digits on a thermometer increase from bulb to tip. Note: R4C4 is a bulb.

Solve this puzzle in SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row 9

Gelöst von PinkNickels, Megalobrainiac, keenbowl, kureha, alx, 333sudoku333, ludvigr04, jalebc, Marcos, pepe74287, Banana, SKORP17, Piff, Nagesh, NineK, wuc, Arlo Lipof, fuxia, seh_bas, PixelPlucker, ... augsod, jgarber, ManuH, Kimyee, rzvntdr, scushuaishuai, Uhu, 1121, whtshername, NeroChaos, cozoq, ParaNox, timww572, asver, The Bard, sandmoppe, Drawoon, Nonio7, PippoForte, kross, Saskia11
Komplette Liste


am 18. Juli 2024, 00:18 Uhr von cozoq
Nice puzzle. I don't usually have difficulty with 1* thermo puzzles, but had an unusually harder time for this.

am 10. Mai 2024, 05:33 Uhr von Ganbatte
I’m really struggling! I can usually do 1-star puzzles but I have been trying for hours.

am 8. Mai 2024, 13:49 Uhr von permafrostyx
yay :)

am 5. Mai 2024, 17:08 Uhr von chain.reader

am 2. Mai 2024, 18:13 Uhr von wuc
Nice simple puzzle. Thx.

am 2. Mai 2024, 14:21 Uhr von PinkNickels
First! :) Fun one.

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:157 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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