Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Dislocated Strands [Disjoint]

(Eingestellt am 20. April 2024, 16:37 Uhr von meggen033)

Solve with SudokuPad

Solve with F-Puzzles

• Normal Sudoku rules apply.

• Disjoint Set: Digits must not repeat at corresponding box positions.

• Killer cages: Digits in a cage do not repeat and sum to the clue in the top left.

• A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. A white dot between cells indicates cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are shown.

• Cells with a filled circle must be odd.

• Cells with a filled square must be even.

Happy Solving and God Bless!!!

Lösungscode: Enter row 7 digits

Zuletzt geändert am 20. April 2024, 16:40 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, tiredsudoku, maniacaljackal, fuxia, Carolin, Megalobrainiac, ImMitchell, seeppp, AltVoid, Guillem98, jalebc, seh_bas, forsen, brightonsimon, NineK, Shearing, briansometimes, RedBarchetta, ... emmalee256, JuDGe1232, junho1105, DozingSongbird, BabyfacedBard, naftbefehl, Lovejoy , koiking, achambers2010, pms_headache, pigeonsteps, jklimp, Zeddecks, Supertaster, ScienceNerd2240, ThreeGunGary
Komplette Liste


am 4. Januar 2025, 10:49 Uhr von Lovejoy
The way this was set up made it very difficult to see the killer cages - one of which I missed. Made for quite a turgid solve

am 19. Oktober 2024, 16:43 Uhr von itsid
uhm, I saw it... I used it (after looking at the title)...
I have no idea why that works and if that's an accident or if there's a rule behind it ...
So it that regard.. very hard puzzle for me, very easy to solve numerically though :-D

am 26. April 2024, 15:51 Uhr von Ryx
I really struggled with this one, not so much with the disjoint, but with eliminating possibilities to help identify those strands ;-) nice puzzle!

am 23. April 2024, 16:22 Uhr von kredenc
Thanks for this nice, enjoyable puzzle! :)

am 21. April 2024, 10:31 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun disjoint puzzle, meggen033! Besides the technique which shall not be named, I actually made a lot of use of Sudoku. For instance, I spotted a quintuple once which does no happen every day. :)
Thank you for setting and sharing!

am 21. April 2024, 00:21 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
Another neat disjoint adventure, thanks for sharing :)

am 20. April 2024, 19:17 Uhr von brightonsimon
Loved this. There's what ought to be an obvious trick which it took me WAY too long to spot, then the rest of the digits flew in. Fun!

am 20. April 2024, 17:22 Uhr von maniacaljackal
The disjoint rule made this an upper 2 star for me, but I'm generally not great at disjoint puzzles. Smooth solve regardless! Cheers from a Colorado native currently off in Paris!

am 20. April 2024, 16:40 Uhr von meggen033
I'm starting this out at 1 star out of 5 for difficulty, but the disjoint may make it a bit harder. Let me know what you would rate the puzzle for difficulty and also where you're solving from. Cheers from Colorado, USA!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:178 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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