Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Combo#1 : JSS + Arrow Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 14. April 2024, 13:24 Uhr von ademjaz)

This is my first Hybrid puzzle, and my entry for round 1 of the March Madness Speed Setting Competition on the Sudoku Skunkworks discord server. What could go wrong? Well, you get a broken puzzle.. but a small rework corrects it.
Here is the non broken puzzle, I hope you enjoy it!

Rules :

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Arrows : Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in the attached circle. Digits may repeat on an arrow if allowed by other rules.

Normal Japanese Sums rules apply : the clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the runs of contiguous cells that must be shaded in the given order. There must be at least one unshaded cell between runs of shaded cells. All shaded runs are given in any row/column where they are given at all.
Also, some cells do not see any clue in their row/column. This cells are unshaded.

Links for online solving:
Penpa (solution check for both digits and shading)
Sudokupad (solution check for digits only)

Lösungscode: Column 9 (9 digits from top to bottom)

Zuletzt geändert am 14. April 2024, 14:47 Uhr

Gelöst von halakani, SKORP17, StefanSch, jkuo7, abed hawila, wildbush7, TNGuy, KlausRG, logiclox, Montinox, Playmaker6174, Silverstep, The Book Wyrm
Komplette Liste


am 2. Oktober 2024, 12:39 Uhr von Silverstep
Some nitpicking of the rules:

"... digits may repeat on an arrow if allowed by other rules" - You can omit this, it doesn't do anything here except making the rules more cluttered.

"... some cells do not see any clues, these are unshaded" - That shouldn't be part of the rules. It can be placed in the links section (e.g. "for Penpa+ answer check, the... are unshaded.")

other than that, very nice puzzle :) no idea what Playmaker found difficult about this one. one star difficulty.

am 29. Mai 2024, 22:12 Uhr von Playmaker6174
That was quite brutal, especially in the midsolve and it took me a long while to understand what's going on around the clues' placement. That given 5 is strong as heck xd

am 14. April 2024, 14:47 Uhr von ademjaz
Added clarification to the rules.

Bewertung:81 %
Gelöst:13 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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