Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Nexus (159)

(Eingestellt am 12. April 2024, 18:04 Uhr von goodcity)

This puzzle was made for the first round of the March Madness Speed Setting Competition held on the Sudoku Skunkworks discord server. I had to create a puzzle within 90 minutes using two main constraints; one of my choosing and one selected by my opponent.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

  • 159 : Digits in column 1 indicate the position of 1 in their respective row. Digits in column 5 indicate the position of 5 in their respective row. Digits in column 9 indicate the position of 9 in their respective row.

  • Adjacent cells on a grey line must contain digits that differ in value by only 1 or 2.

The puzzle is available online via CTC-App

Lösungscode: Row 8

Zuletzt geändert am 12. April 2024, 18:05 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Ploctypus, Notlob, keenbowl, palpot, Woody03130, Bulkystapler, forsen, fuxia, Ye Nay Myo Han, appletrapezoid, yttrio, AKernel, mattnburris, Snaques, abadx, Julianl, sigge, lianarox, Carolin, ... humaLautema, jadezki, MaxSmartable, ark29, LeaVulpina, fjam, SparklePuzzle, flaemmchen, ClarityC, PippoForte, lovely, duckling, asver, WvdWest, liushong, Scott6782, widjo, pepe74287, Nell Gwyn
Komplette Liste


am 14. April 2024, 00:25 Uhr von Snaques
159 is my favorite ruleset, so obviously I had to try this and almost as obviously I loved it.

This was interesting as the break in came to me immediately, but it took a pretty random deduction to finally break it's back.

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:54 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Lösung abgeben

