Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Home is where the heart is

(Eingestellt am 1. April 2024, 15:35 Uhr von alubbe)

On a trip to a chalet in the Alps, I found this beautiful image of a heart shaped like two mountain peaks encircling a house. I just had to try and challenge myself to make a sudoku out of it.

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Digits along a green line differ by at least five.
Digits along an orange line differ by at least four.
Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.
Digits separated by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio.

Feedback and comments are highly encouraged. Have fun!

Link: Play on Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Column 9 as nine digits, from top to bottom

Gelöst von jalebc, lmdemasi, PinkNickels, OutOfMyMindBRB, Fizz, SKORP17, NRB, lianarox, TomZak, Twan2797, Kreekers, two_halves1, AvonD, Snookerfan, IAM3, cegie, farodin64, onbu, Hajuhn, NotThatKindOfDoctor, ... EMCaoloft, mietepiet, megabat, lukas.rt, AllLemons, Agent, houeland, TVDK, Vegan_warior, Fenn, rotwang, timww572, erkiraak, Inge, suessersenf, hirassy, diziet, PippoForte, KJ_for_science, TommyHMBK
Komplette Liste


am 18. September 2024, 14:23 Uhr von Inge
Very nice puzzle!

am 13. Juli 2024, 09:41 Uhr von Enkerro
This was incredibly satisfying from the beginning to the end. Thank you for setting!

am 12. Mai 2024, 21:55 Uhr von Virux
That felt so different from most Whisper puzzles. I was amazed by how amazing the solution path was!

am 7. April 2024, 07:21 Uhr von fitzie
what an impressive puzzle given the inspiration.

am 4. April 2024, 06:47 Uhr von BorisTheSnake
Took me a bit of time to find how to break in, and it's really beautiful. Great setting, loved this one.

am 1. April 2024, 19:12 Uhr von NRB
Loved this one. Really pleasing finish.

am 1. April 2024, 17:08 Uhr von Fizz
Very fun puzzle with lots of nice logic, thanks!

am 1. April 2024, 16:47 Uhr von OutOfMyMindBRB
A fun solve - thanks :-)

am 1. April 2024, 16:37 Uhr von PinkNickels
Very enjoyable! Thanks for sharing.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:135 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Rätselvariante Variantenkombination Neu

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