Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Line Insanity

(Eingestellt am 30. März 2024, 22:34 Uhr von Dantheman8urham)


  • Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.

  • Diagonals: The marked diagonals contain the digits 1-9.

  • Lines: There are Sequence, Palindromes, Modulo 3, Modulo 4, Renban, 7-whisper, German whisper, Dutch whisper, 3-whisper, and 2-whisper lines.

  • Black Kropki Dots: The Black Kropki Dots have a ratio of 2:1.

  • 7-whisper lines: Adjacent digits along a red 7-whisper line must differ by at least 7.

  • German whisper line: Adjacent digits along a green German whisper line must differ by at least 5.

  • Dutch whisper line: Adjacent digits along an orange Dutch whisper line must differ by at least 4.

  • 3-whisper line: Adjacent digits along a pink 3-whisper line must differ by at least 3.

  • 2-whisper line: Adjacent digits along a dark blue 2-whisper line must differ by at least 2.

  • Palindrome: Digits along a light gray Palindrome are read the same in both directions.

  • Sequence line: Digits along dark gray Sequence lines contain digits in order with a constant difference. E.g. 1-2-3, 2-5-8 or even 3-3-3

  • Modulo 3 line:Digits along a cyan Modulo 3 line come from 3 sets 147, 258, and 369 every segment of 3 on this line must have a digit from each one of the sets, FOR CLARIFICATION THE LINE DOESN'T TURN.

  • Modulo 4 line: Digits along a teal Modulo 4 line come from 4 sets, 159, 26, 37, and 48 every segment of 4 on this line must have a digit from each one of the sets.

  • Renban line: Digits on a purple Renban line are consecutive in any order

  • Happy solving, hope you enjoy

Lösungscode: row 9 minus row 4

Zuletzt geändert am 31. März 2024, 00:46 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, PippoForte, BeeBoi
Komplette Liste


am 4. April 2024, 07:32 Uhr von Horizonto
Is there a mistake on colors? Aren't horizontal line and the vertical line through the center the modulo 4 lines?

am 31. März 2024, 00:46 Uhr von Dantheman8urham
my second time:)

am 30. März 2024, 22:39 Uhr von Dantheman8urham
my second time:)

Gelöst:3 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselvariante Neu Englischkenntnisse Mathematikkenntnisse

Lösung abgeben

