Es gelten die normalen Sudoku-Regeln.
Das Rätsel ist über Sudokupad erhältlich
Lösungscode: Zeile 1 von links nach rechts (9 Ziffern)
am 18. November 2024, 01:49 Uhr von Natclass
Very nice! :D
am 23. April 2024, 22:46 Uhr von ThymePass
DR Jones would have been proud :) A lovely puzzle, thank you!
am 28. März 2024, 18:09 Uhr von Big Tiger
Re: Certain colors becoming the norm - Sometimes you just gotta make the art. :-D And frankly, everyone should be reading all the rules each time. Maybe I'll make one where I use all different colors outside the norm just to make sure people read. :-D
am 28. März 2024, 13:14 Uhr von Ju Corb
Lovely puzzle thank-you very much
am 28. März 2024, 11:04 Uhr von asp1310
For the record, Red lines have become the norm for Dutch Whispers, and orange lines have become the standard for modular/entropic/parity lines (if the puzzle has one type, it's just orange, if it has two types it's usually deep orange and a lighter peach, if it has all three then the third line is usually a dark yellow). The fact this is the opposite way around is a little confusing and may be something to consider about future puzzles. Also just to warn people who may have not noticed this in the rules!
am 28. März 2024, 09:38 Uhr von Flinty
Very nice Mr. Wright :)