Foggy Adventure
(Eingestellt am 10. März 2024, 18:25 Uhr von Tulrak)
The Sudoku was featured in the following videos:
Tristan sudoku stream #53 (starting at 1:11:00)
Lucian's Place
- Sudoku: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column and box.
- Fog-of-War: The grid is covered in fog. Placing correct digits will clear the fog from surrounding cells.
- Sandwich Sums: Clues outside the grid show the sum of the digits between 1 and 9 in that row or column.
- X: Digits in cells separated by X sum to 10.
- Arrows: Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in the arrow's circle.
- Killer Cages: Digits in a cage may not repeat and must sum to the number in the corner of one of its cells.
Solve the Sudoku here:
Lösungscode: Row 1 (9 digits, read left-to-right)
Zuletzt geändert am 8. Juli 2024, 02:13 Uhr
Gelöst von cornuto, flaemmchen, SudokuFan, nmmc123, SKORP17, jalebc, NineK, japanoise_breakfast, seeppp, Calvinball, WildEnte, Raistlen, gdc, RockyRoer, OutOfMyMindBRB, pepe74287, maniacaljackal, IAM3, ... asii, lovely, obuibo11, arauwer, ThirdWiseMonkey, PippoForte, MrWhite2020, sandmoppe, Vegan_warior, einalem, h5663454, zuzanina, rexxk, Matt14, bilms, DiMono, Saskia11, antzervos, heyalaine, awpinn
am 2. Juli 2024, 20:05 Uhr von Eraelan
I got it and didn't cheat! Woo! Very nice puzzle.
am 12. März 2024, 21:26 Uhr von CaptRob
Great puzzle! Got stuck for a while in a middle but I found a great way out. Thanks a lot!
am 11. März 2024, 07:18 Uhr von ark29
Loved this puzzle. I was stuck for a good long while in the middle but managed to solve it! Took me around an hour, but well worth it.
am 10. März 2024, 22:14 Uhr von vipul
Good one
am 10. März 2024, 20:02 Uhr von WildEnte
I very much enjoyed this puzzle!