Learn the Alphabet: Y is for Young Tableaux
(Eingestellt am 28. Februar 2024, 17:00 Uhr von Crusader175)
My idea for this series is to make 26 puzzles with different constraint that start with each alphabet (A-Z).
Normal sudoku rules apply. Within cages digits cannot repeat, and must increase from left to right (in rows) and top to bottom (in columns).
Puzzle Link:
SudokuPad (with solution check)
Previous Puzzle:
Learn the Alphabet Series
My youtube channel on solving sudoku: Crusader Puzzle
Lösungscode: Row 8 Row 9
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von chien2000gl, SeveNateNine, forsen, tuturitu, 333sudoku333, Sonki, SKORP17, TeamSchmidt, Andrewmi3, onbu, kublai, AvonD, marcmees, Brodie2000, DanishDynamite, peterkp, dennischen, lvdoutang, asver, ... Yawnus, agueybana, BlackApolloX, Selsted, zrbakhtiar, Orpheus, chanelaw, Doofenschmirtz, lmdemasi, kevinlimanta, mezkur7, lovely, MineLenny, PippoForte, jadezki, saucycats_, NEWS, SXH, Nylimb
Zuletzt geändert am 3. März 2024, 11:24 Uhram 29. Februar 2024, 19:27 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
It's always good to see a new Young Tableaux, thanks, it was fun!
Reply: Thank you PrimeWeasel! Glad it was fun! :)
Zuletzt geändert am 29. Februar 2024, 15:47 Uhram 29. Februar 2024, 11:47 Uhr von mihel111
Short ruleset and a few cages. Very elegant setting. Well done.
Reply: Thank you for the solve and kind comment!
Zuletzt geändert am 29. Februar 2024, 15:46 Uhram 29. Februar 2024, 02:38 Uhr von DanishDynamite
Very nice. And not as tough as expected.
Reply: Thank you very much! I tried to keep it not too difficult.