Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knight and Arrow

(Eingestellt am 21. Februar 2024, 06:31 Uhr von psninn)

Fill in each row, each column, and each box with a set of numbers 1-9.
Numbers on each blue diagonal must not be repeated.
Numbers within the cells where a knight can move in chess must not be repeated.
The sum of the numbers along the arrow lines must equal the number within the circle.

Lösungscode: R5

Gelöst von kkli, Hazel, apendleton, onbu, itweb, dennischen, lmdemasi, pepe74287, ficko, zorant, Ragna, GeorgeTheToad2, pms_headache, SirWoezel, Sonki, MalkoMann2, Gilliatt, creo, elephant_in_the_room, ... OuyangZheng, A_UserHere, ManuH, Tingo, jalebc, Kekes, dingledork, timww572, Carolin, bolado, cornflakes23, Ryaffio, Omnicole, Koba, PippoForte, augsod, forsen, NeroChaos, asii, whtshername
Komplette Liste


am 23. März 2024, 01:06 Uhr von Tingo
As others have stated, the break-in was the big hurdle. It was incredibly satisfying to figure that out. The rest of the puzzle was very enjoyable as well. Thanks for setting and sharing!

am 21. Februar 2024, 20:32 Uhr von Arlo Lipof
Excellent puzzle for my 500th solve on LMG! Thanks.

am 21. Februar 2024, 19:51 Uhr von s1mn
Nice puzzle! I genuinely thought I was stuck near the start, then had a eureka moment. :)

am 21. Februar 2024, 11:39 Uhr von GeorgeTheToad2
Tricky start but once the break-in is found it solves very smoothly. Thank you for sharing.

am 21. Februar 2024, 10:42 Uhr von psninn
The difficulty is only 1 star, and it defaults to no changes when uploaded.

am 21. Februar 2024, 10:04 Uhr von lmdemasi
The interactions here were quite lovely. Excellent puzzle

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:131 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal


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