Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Magic Arrow

(Eingestellt am 23. Januar 2024, 13:23 Uhr von Prof.Dori)

Magic Arrow


Place the the digits 0 to 8 exactly once each in every row, column and 3x3 box. Each box is identical to exactly two other boxes i.e. on same positions are same digits on those boxes (which boxes are identical must be determined by the solver). Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's circle. The middle box on the grid is a magic square i.e. the sum on each row, column and diagonal on that box is the same.


Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by row 2.

Gelöst von Numpus, StefanSch, kkli, Xalothros, Deivi55, Jlrice2, KlausRG, Iluvsodah, fuxia, olliwright, kublai, Ragna, two_halves1, JSmoove1099, Jordan Timm, paranoid, efnenu, Isfan, DedaKosta, saskia-daniela, ... NeroChaos, geronimo92, PippoForte, Chad, Javier Rebottaro, asii, ringel, MyWay90, Drawoon, Matthew Humphrey, DylanRay, aguyd, 3ColorTheorem, diziet, pepe74287, Azvaril, sandbo00, tgstar, jsxft, moss
Komplette Liste


am 29. Februar 2024, 20:50 Uhr von Bingobobcat
A little bit of Maths, a little bit of coloring, and a lot of fun!

am 1. Februar 2024, 18:24 Uhr von Qwazim0d0
Really like this one

am 26. Januar 2024, 03:09 Uhr von josemadre
Minimalism, I like it

am 23. Januar 2024, 22:44 Uhr von wentel21
Nice puzzle<3 Thx

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:130 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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