Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Circles and Dots

(Eingestellt am 19. Januar 2024, 02:51 Uhr von juggler)

SudokuPad: https://sudokupad.app/70pp8r5yl5

Normal sudoku rules apply.

- White dots separate cells with adjacent values.
- Black dots separate cells with values in a 2-to-1 ratio.
- Not all dots are given.
- Digits in circles are odd.

Lösungscode: Row 9

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Februar 2024, 21:17 Uhr

Gelöst von dskaff, Hajuhn, Bulkystapler, kierownik, RickiFerrara, MarkSud, ludvigr04, cathematician, AdamPI, apendleton, Greg, Brodie2000, Buffalo44, jalebc, Enkerro, ZMAOMAO, kkli, rubbeng, Felis_Timon, ... Mr.CHEN, ricleto, elsquared, Polytechnisch, ManuH, Lodinn, vexillophilia, nitteina, jjtheplum, k2u5as, PippoForte, Jodelbanane, NeroChaos, moss, FlashZange, Doc Liu, widjo, naggy, ValentinL, koiking
Komplette Liste


am 24. Januar 2024, 22:28 Uhr von Paxilinski
Took me a bit, but i managed to solve it. I like how you had to work with odds and evens :))

am 22. Januar 2024, 07:54 Uhr von Ganbatte
This took me a while and it was fun. I set it down a few times when I couldn’t see the next step, and after a break I could see it.

am 21. Januar 2024, 07:49 Uhr von Ganbatte
This took me a while and it was fun. I set it down a few times when I couldn’t see the next step, and after a break I could see it.

am 21. Januar 2024, 00:55 Uhr von juggler
(Changed title to avoid name collision with another author's puzzle).

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Januar 2024, 13:06 Uhr

am 20. Januar 2024, 13:06 Uhr von decho
As a beginner I loved it

am 19. Januar 2024, 23:45 Uhr von Myfyr MJ
Nice puzzle

am 19. Januar 2024, 04:07 Uhr von Bulkystapler
Nice flow to the puzzle. Thanks for posting it.

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:201 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

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