Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Concealed Zippers

(Eingestellt am 10. Januar 2024, 23:01 Uhr von ViKingPrime)



Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Normal Chinese Whisper, Entropic, Modular, Nabner, Parity, Region Sum and Renban line rules apply
(full explanation for each line is within the puzzle link).


Line Ambiguity: Each line has its own unique identity, to be deduced by the solver (e.g. the Nabner line could also function as a valid Entropic line but will still be identifiable as the Nabner line).
Zippermania: Each line also acts as a Zipper line, wherein digits an equal distance from the center must sum to the digit in the middle of that line.


I thought this may be the final entry in the series but as gdc has pointed out, this is not nearly the challenge needed for a grand finale; expect another (much more challenging) entry sometime in the future.

Here are some puzzles from other setters using the same constraint:
"Flipping the Zipped" by SSG

Have fun!

Solve in SudokuMaker!
Solve in SudokuPad!

The Zippermania Series

Lösungscode: The digits along Row 4, left-to-right.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Januar 2024, 23:04 Uhr

Gelöst von MicroStudy, SKORP17, Geryyy, ashisstuff, AvonD, rameshsrivats, stramosk, by81996672, marty_sears, ohnoitsadalek, kublai, Vodakhan , gige, agueybana, gdc, Demparo, GarageDoorOpener, vorash00, dennischen, tuckerbucket, Kallor, Tompzini, Slink, Askloomok, zrbakhtiar, QuiltyAsCharged, KyubiBoy
Komplette Liste


am 11. März 2024, 17:32 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
Really excellent setting and a rewarding puzzle to solve. It's surprising this could be easier than the previous "Exposed" puzzle. But it's still quite a challenge! I spent many minutes staring at it, wondering how there could possibly be enough information in those few grey lines.

am 11. Januar 2024, 23:10 Uhr von gdc
Super smooth and enjoyable. When I said, this is not suitable as 'the big finale', I was commenting on the difficulty which I think could be higher with that much buildup. The quality and elegance here is great!

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Januar 2024, 11:16 Uhr

am 11. Januar 2024, 11:15 Uhr von marty_sears
This is an amazing construction. Staggering that VKP was able to take 7 familiar line constraints, and arrange them so neatly without any kinks or twisty bits, just 6 straight lines and one right angle, to lead to such a rich and fun solve path.

Not his hardest puzzle, but in my mind that is a good thing :D It certainly wasn't trivial, there was lots to consider at the start... this was a perfect difficulty level for me.

Lovely stuff, this puzzle oozes elegance

am 11. Januar 2024, 01:30 Uhr von rameshsrivats
Super cool and super smooth

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:27 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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