Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Castle And Drawbridge

(Eingestellt am 16. Januar 2024, 00:00 Uhr von Tingo)

Castle And Drawbridge

The rules are as follows:

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply

Digits in killer cages must sum to the small total in the top left corner of the cage. Digits may not repeat in cages.

Green lines are German Whispers lines. Adjacent digits along the line must differ in value by at least 5.

Pink lines are Renban lines. Digits along the line are consecutive in any order.

Cells joined by X must sum to 10. Not all Xs are given.

Cells joined by white dots are consecutive in value. Cells joined by black dots have values in a ratio of 2:1. Not all dots are given.

The puzzle can be played at F-Puzzles here!

The puzzle can be played at CTC here!

Questions, comments, concerns and jokes are all welcome! Thanks for playing!

Lösungscode: Row 9 followed by Column 4, 18 digits total

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Januar 2024, 01:49 Uhr

Gelöst von mrgadget, apendleton, Bulkystapler, daedelus23, ashisstuff, RussKozerski, Calvinball, Soothsayer, AvonD, ccotreau, Hajuhn, root_vegetable, hildende, Corey115, nmmc123, AdamPI, MarkSud, Pegazus, ... Jane_Lightman, cascadeshiker, maiaz, PippoForte, koiking, NeroChaos, jgarber, vexillophilia, renegade_duck, Vegan_warior, naggy, phs, Azvaril, tkrahn98, Jowser, rexxk, MysticMan, ChampionAsh5357
Komplette Liste


am 11. April 2024, 00:02 Uhr von Phandor
Great puzzle, very enjoyable!

The left cage in box 4 is wrong in the solution. Sum is 8 there.

am 19. Januar 2024, 09:41 Uhr von Nootato
Great puzzle! Took me a couple of tries but managed to solve it!

am 19. Januar 2024, 05:52 Uhr von Ganbatte
I got this in fits and starts, very enjoyable. Appreciate the forewarning about column 2.

am 18. Januar 2024, 13:27 Uhr von Qashqai4eg
Liked this one.
interesting, since CTC solution check does not work properly, it still shows 47 solves.

am 18. Januar 2024, 07:46 Uhr von Ganbatte
I got this in fits and starts, very enjoyable. Appreciate the forewarning about column 2.

am 16. Januar 2024, 15:22 Uhr von Snaques
Yup, CtC check did not work but otherwise very fun puzzle.

am 16. Januar 2024, 14:24 Uhr von PinkNickels
Irrespective of the issues with CtC answer check, this was a rather fun puzzle. thanks for sharing

am 16. Januar 2024, 12:04 Uhr von Felis_Timon
The CTC-Link thinks the cage in the second column would add to 8 instead of 9. In F-Puzzles the sum is 9. It doesn't matter though which version you solve since the solution code is the same for both.
I'll write a hidden comment about what exactly is different in the final solutions of those two versions.

am 16. Januar 2024, 11:51 Uhr von Fra314
Beautiful setting, very nice puzzle!

am 16. Januar 2024, 08:19 Uhr von sacklunch
Gorgeous puzzle! The interaction between the castle lines led to some beautiful logic. Fabulous design, and a super fun solve. Thanks for setting and sharing!

am 16. Januar 2024, 05:07 Uhr von jhow25
Loved it.

am 16. Januar 2024, 03:55 Uhr von MarkSud
CTC app is odd. Solved it twice and both times it said I got something wrong. Did not think I did, so tried the solution code and it worked.

am 16. Januar 2024, 02:35 Uhr von ccotreau
There is an error with the 9 cage in c2. It sums to 8, not 9

am 16. Januar 2024, 02:12 Uhr von RussKozerski
I too am getting the message from SudokuPad that my solution is not correct. But definitely a fun puzzle. Thank you.

am 16. Januar 2024, 01:49 Uhr von Tingo
Updated CtC Link

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Januar 2024, 01:51 Uhr

am 16. Januar 2024, 01:24 Uhr von Bulkystapler
I also found the CTC app notes the solution is wrong, but the solution code is correct. Great puzzle by the way. Thanks for posting it.

- Thanks for playing. I apologize for the CtC link issue. - Tingo

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:246 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Standardrätsel Variantenkombination

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