Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Meanest Mini

(Eingestellt am 1. Januar 2024, 17:10 Uhr von chameleon)

Disclaimer: this puzzle is very hard and very mathy. Solve it only if you're into this kind of things. You've been warned XD

Mean mini sudoku: place six distinct NUMBERS from 1-9 in each row, column and box without repeats.
Lines with circled cells and mathematical operators between them must contain a true mathematical equation.
Oh, yeah, you probably already guessed it, but the numbers don't have to be integer. They must be real, though.

Solve online: SudokuPad

Lösungscode: the value of the top-left cell (row 1, column 1), with the first 4 digits after the decimal point and no rounding up (e.g. "3.1415")

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Januar 2024, 20:59 Uhr

Gelöst von nuzzopa, Vebby, MadHypnofrog, The Book Wyrm, fjam, MonsieurTRISTE, twobear, Myxo, goodcity, laky, SamuPiano, PierreTombal, Al Fresco, TrollErgoSum, samuel1997, bansalsaab, halakani, Hazem-77, ... OGRussHood, radium, toshii, rmahus, cheese, louisng114, Edward Beal, yangduoxing, hajuyi1020, bnn31, michaal94, Chian, swind, wunder108, LeiZ123321, NEWS, iljanjc, Nebuzaradan, KenGlue, BeeBoi
Komplette Liste


am 30. Juli 2024, 16:01 Uhr von Nebuzaradan
Wow. This puzzle is something else. Perhaps the coolest part is that despite the obvious wackiness, it manages to keep the essential flavor of a mean mini.

am 25. Januar 2024, 13:53 Uhr von Edward Beal
Stunning puzzle. I set myself the extra challenge of not using a calculator, it only took two sides of A4.

am 17. Januar 2024, 01:22 Uhr von OGRussHood
Outrageously genius.

am 2. Januar 2024, 18:37 Uhr von bansalsaab
Very nice concept and setting.

am 2. Januar 2024, 18:33 Uhr von PierreTombal
Interesting concept. Not extremely hard, but it is weird needing to work with approximations rather than actual numbers and not really knowing what order some of them are in. I do disagree with the earlier comment that most of this puzzle is about math deductions. I actually found that attempting to do math before the grid was complete was pretty useless, it's really all about min-max evaluations that you'd also need in some of the more complex killer sudokus.

Of course you will need a fair knowledge of math to find the actual numbers, which BTW even with four decimal positions are still approximations.

am 2. Januar 2024, 16:57 Uhr von samuel1997
The sudoku part is very fun! The maths part is insane! I would be admired if someone could solve this puzzle without any note and calculator!

am 2. Januar 2024, 16:17 Uhr von Al Fresco
Crazy puzzle idea- Check
Concept taken to the extreme- Check
Very clever setting- Check

Yes it must be a Chameleon puzzle.

Lovely combination of sudoku and algebra logic. Thank you. I really enjoyed that :)

am 2. Januar 2024, 14:48 Uhr von SamuPiano
Absolutely incredible puzzle, one of my all time favorites!

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2024, 12:00 Uhr

am 2. Januar 2024, 11:11 Uhr von goodcity
Really nice puzzle ! I really like maths and suduko, the perfect match for me :D

am 2. Januar 2024, 10:42 Uhr von chameleon
@MonsieurTRISTE, of course calculator is allowed :)

am 2. Januar 2024, 10:01 Uhr von Myxo
This is one of the weirdest and coolest puzlles I ever solved!

am 2. Januar 2024, 09:46 Uhr von twobear
I am a mathy person and absolutely love this puzzle. Thank you!

am 2. Januar 2024, 09:45 Uhr von MonsieurTRISTE
Difficulty > 5 stars if calculator is not allowed.

am 1. Januar 2024, 23:32 Uhr von The Book Wyrm
Yeah, this puzzle is unusual in that like 90% of the deduction aren't really sudoku, it's just doing a bunch of maths. Luckily I really like maths, so I enjoyed this puzzle a lot; it's a really cool and funny concept, and very well executed.

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Januar 2024, 21:00 Uhr

am 1. Januar 2024, 20:59 Uhr von chameleon
Clarified the solution code description. Thank you Vebby!

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:66 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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