Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Suguru Chaos Deconstruction: Zipper Lines

(Eingestellt am 24. Dezember 2023, 04:34 Uhr von ONeill)


Deconstruction: Fill some cells in the grid with the digits 1–9 such that no digit repeats in a row or column. All digits must belong to a region (a collection of orthogonally connected cells), and a region of size n contains the digits 1 through n once each. Regions may not touch each other orthogonally, although they may touch each other diagonally.

Zipper Lines: Digits an equal distance from the centre of a green Zipper Line sum to the digit in the middle of that line.

Cells with a circle contain an odd digit. Cells with a square contain an even digit.

All cells with a clue contain a digit.

The puzzle:



Lösungscode: Ignoring empty cells, the digits in Column 7, followed by the digits in Row 13

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Dezember 2023, 18:10 Uhr

Gelöst von cdwg2000, h5663454, itweb, Dentones, Vodakhan , Vebby, Tom-dz, tuturitu, KevinTheMH, mathpesto, lovely7998, Calvinball, Lavender Gooms, redgecko, Jorrr2, aityan98, Snookerfan, Jodelbanane, Jesper, ... KNT, Sewerin, karen_birgitta, Mikemerin, dogfarts, zhall12570, Uhu, Niverio, DVFrank, OGRussHood, mnasti2, Chefofdeath, konklone, BeeBoi, PippoForte, dunder, MountBecton, DaleVandermeer, zakkai
Komplette Liste


am 13. April 2024, 16:15 Uhr von konklone
I love the SCD puzzle type so much, it was a treat to find this one after having not done one for a long time. This is a great one and thank you so much for making it!

am 12. Januar 2024, 21:42 Uhr von madhupt
It’s a fun puzzle! Very hard but flows really nicely once the little nuggets of logic are found. Thanks for sharing this delightful puzzle.

am 7. Januar 2024, 03:49 Uhr von heliosfant
Insane. One of the best.

am 28. Dezember 2023, 17:40 Uhr von Trickyman
What an absolutely gorgeous work of art. I kept getting blocked, and then finding a small break that would keep me invigorated. Next thing I knew I had been sitting in one spot for over 2 hours and had a masterful work of art completed in front of me. I couldn't help but stare at it. Easily one of my favorite puzzles, bar none!

am 27. Dezember 2023, 21:54 Uhr von teff
i think SCD's are my favourite puzzle type and this was excellent!

am 26. Dezember 2023, 18:57 Uhr von Christounet
Yeah ! Glad you're back to setting puzzles :) That was super fun and smooth. Thanks ! More please...

am 25. Dezember 2023, 23:28 Uhr von Jesper
Very nice, thanks!

am 25. Dezember 2023, 17:53 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice and fun puzzle! Thank you

am 25. Dezember 2023, 07:51 Uhr von Lavender Gooms
Lovely integration of the zipper lines concept. Very enjoyable.

am 25. Dezember 2023, 03:07 Uhr von Calvinball
This was an absolute delight to unzip!

am 24. Dezember 2023, 23:48 Uhr von mathpesto
Great fun! :)

am 24. Dezember 2023, 15:08 Uhr von Vebby
Lovely flow! Happy to see a new puzzle from you, ONeill! :)

Bewertung:99 %
Gelöst:60 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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