Easy Quads
(Eingestellt am 16. Dezember 2023, 12:00 Uhr von kierownik)
Normal sudoku rules apply:
In every row, column and un every 3x3 box the digits from 1 to 9 have to appear atleast once.
Killer cages:
Digits in cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner and cannot repeat.
Every digit in a circle has to be assigned to one of the surrounding cells.
All cages have the same total.
Play the puzzle here:
Play in Sudokumaker or in
Sven's Sudokupad
Lösungscode: Row 3 and 7. Left to right
Zuletzt geändert am 20. Dezember 2023, 22:48 Uhr
Gelöst von Notlob, vollbesonderbar, flaemmchen, Neb, belfieldtj, Debba, RickiFerrara, Julianl, anyeyeball, seeppp, EmX68, Jorava, mezkur7, efnenu, micjo, jgarber, ludvigr04, Guillem98, Vivi, coeurblacky, ... neinina98, arangues, UsernameDave, Supertaster, Zedarflight , Vegan_warior, tomitom, Juanfox, Jowser, jordanza, Coufik, Kachow, bereolosp, dielilla, me and the paws, Fathir, ArmagedDan, Jastucreudo
am 16. Dezember 2023, 13:49 Uhr von Jorava
Nice and chill. Was stuck a bit with row 9 until I noticed the "All cages have the same total" rule.