Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Circled Killers

(Eingestellt am 12. Dezember 2023, 15:11 Uhr von SparkNights)

This puzzle is a combined ruleset of counter circle and killer. This time, circles are not the digits filled in the grid but the killer values.


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Along a thermometer, digits must increase from the bulb end.

Digits cannot repeat in the killer cage and sum to a number (in the circle) at the top left corner.

A digit that appears in a circle (killer value) indicates how many times that digit appears in all circles. A circle may contain a single-digit or double-digit number but cannot contain a multiple of 10. If it's a double-digit number, then each digit will be separately counted. For example, if a killer value of a cage is 35, then another two 3s and four 5s must be contained in the other killer values; this could be via either a single-digit 3 or 5, or double-digit totals that contain 3 or 5, like 13, 15, 25, 36, etc.

No two killer cages of the same size can contain exactly the same combination of digits.

Play on CTC

Lösungscode: Column 7 (Downwards)

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2024, 14:30 Uhr

Gelöst von samuel1997, mihel111, Isael, MadHypnofrog, xixiliu, GertVonnegut, pms_headache, BloodbuzzCorio, Ood, SKORP17, fjam, MicroStudy, SSG, mse326, mew_rocks, ashisstuff, applesauce, toshii, zhall12570, jkuo7, madhupt, SirRookie, tess, MrQubo, dawntreader, OGRussHood, Lakritze, BlueShifted, Uhu, Vodkilis, michaal94, pkp, PippoForte
Komplette Liste


am 23. Januar 2024, 14:57 Uhr von Bankey
Just to be sure - say, a killer cage has a value of 33, so that would mean that only one other 3 can appear in the killer values of the remaining cages?

am 2. Januar 2024, 14:30 Uhr von SparkNights
Congratulations for be featured in CTC! For the ruleset to be easier undersand, I've changed the link and description of the rules to the CTC version. Have fun solving!

am 1. Januar 2024, 15:08 Uhr von madhupt
What a great puzzle! Fantastic logic. Never thought I would be able to solve it but just going over the underlying reasoning, it felt so natural in the end. Thanks for creating and sharing this masterpiece.

am 1. Januar 2024, 08:42 Uhr von zhall12570

am 16. Dezember 2023, 06:27 Uhr von pms_headache
Wonderful puzzle. Stewed over it for several days on and off. Had some new thoughts tonight and solved it in about an hour. I have no idea how you set such a puzzle with such a beautiful, complex, and subtle solving path. Brilliant!

am 15. Dezember 2023, 19:21 Uhr von GertVonnegut
This is an incredible puzzle! Lots of hard-won deductions to get started and then a beautiful flow once you find the path. Thanks so much for setting!

am 13. Dezember 2023, 19:46 Uhr von mihel111
What a great puzzle. The notepad was mandatory for me. And, a deduction after another, it unfolds so nicely.

Well done SparkNights

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Dezember 2023, 13:10 Uhr

am 13. Dezember 2023, 11:17 Uhr von marty_sears
wow, really brilliant use of counting circles! If I had thought of it myself I probably would have tried to make this. I would suggest removing the line from the rules about the killer clues can't be a multiple of 10. This would be a nice thing to deduce based on the fact that 0 can't appear in counting circles.

SparkNights: Thanks. I found you are the first setter to publish puzzle about counting circles. This line is for clarification because there is an old puzzle where 10s are in the circles.

am 12. Dezember 2023, 21:39 Uhr von samuel1997
This ruleset is ridiculous! It is the ruleset that can only be come up with genius, and the way it works is really wonderful!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:33 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

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