Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

More Mini Palindromes

(Eingestellt am 1. Dezember 2023, 13:21 Uhr von EricRathbun)

  • Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
  • Normal Arrow Rules apply.
  • Normal Killer Cage rules apply.
  • Gray lines are palindromes that read the same frontwards and backwards.
  • Digits cannot repeat upon a diagonal.
  • Digits separated by a knight's move (in chess) do not repeat.

The puzzle can be played here:



Hope you enjoy the puzzle. Comments appreciated.

Lösungscode: Top row

Zuletzt geändert am 7. Mai 2024, 05:28 Uhr

Gelöst von by81996672, SKORP17, jalebc, Ryzen, Calvinball, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Felis_Timon, nmmc123, slowbiex, Corey115, sedici, bernhard, apendleton, DiMono, zhergan, Krokant, Julianl, Gullie, BlitzburghBrian, BlackWolf, PippoForte, Bobbobert, strangelyinsane, 5h421n, finger, karen_birgitta, Statistica, madhupt
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 12. Januar 2024, 21:26 Uhr

am 12. Januar 2024, 19:09 Uhr von DiMono
Nice interactions between the palindromes and anti-knight constraint.

The palindrome between R9C3 and R8C4 that breaks rotational symmetry is not necessary for a unique solve. I didn't use it.
Response from Eric: Thank you DiMono. Congratulations on the solve. Good eye spotting the one mini palindrome that broke the symmetry. Interesting that you found a way to solve it without that palindrome. I'll probably leave the puzzle as is since so many have already solved it, but I will give it a go myself to see if I can do it without that palindrome. Thanks for letting me know. I always try to minimize clues and keep symmetry when possible.

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Dezember 2023, 05:02 Uhr

am 2. Dezember 2023, 04:06 Uhr von Calvinball
Great puzzle! Very satisfying from start to finish, and it just felt like a quintessential Rathbun puzzle, and I mean that as an upmost compliment. Thanks Eric!
Response from Eric: You are very welcome Calvinball. Thank you for the kudos. It's always fun when your name appears as one of the solvers of one of my puzzles.

Bewertung:87 %
Gelöst:28 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

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