Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 4. November 2023, 19:10 Uhr von jamncheez)

Misconduct by JamNCheez

Normal sudoku rules apply

Digits along each line must mulitply to the same number, which must be determined by the solver. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by other rules.

An V or X between two cells indicate the digits sum to 5 or 10 repectively. Not all Vs and Xs are given

NB. A calculator is not required to solve this puzzle


Lösungscode: Column 5

Gelöst von Puzzle Weasel, sujoyku, Kiopho, Bjd, Megalobrainiac, zlotnleo, sanabas, Tetral, Mad-Tyas, oshitada, SSG, samuel1997, SKORP17, IcyFruit, madhupt, Ragna, Scorn, SirRookie, Mittag, fjam, jkuo7, ... MrQubo, wand, Spyrfyr, seaweed, mezkur7, whtshername, Montikulum, Duarte, by81996672, killer_rectangle, geronimo92, josemadre, leftovercube, michaal94, Uhu, redfoot, Julianl, PippoForte, codewizard
Komplette Liste


am 13. November 2023, 23:01 Uhr von madhupt
A very very smooth puzzle. Took a shade under 30 minutes for me. There were some beautiful deductions along the way. Thanks for sharing this.

am 7. November 2023, 00:21 Uhr von Tetral
I really like this puzzle. Most sudoku constantly make me feel like I'm blind and missing something obvious but this one just makes me feel like a genius. Very cool logic even with half the digits filled in.

am 4. November 2023, 20:26 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this wonderful puzzle, JamNCheez! It took me a lot of reasoning to get a handle on the break-in, but after that wow moment, everything flowed beautifully sudokuwise. The execution of the unknown product idea is just perfect. Superb setting!

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:49 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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